Stinking cold!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2007
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I picked a cold last week. For months I had been looking forward to a weekend in London to see the Sound of Music. DH had booked it through work before we knew I was PG. It would have been sooo nice but I was in agony most of the time.

Well I thought I was getting over the cold and well enough to go even though I wasn't sleeping much. The coach turned out to have very little leg room (I'm 5'10")but there was room for me to have a double seat to myself. I just couldn't get comfy though. Baby is breech so her head is in my ribs and I was coughing - ouch. Also my ankles swelled soo tight and painful. I was so relieved to get to the hotel where we had a couple of hours break.

Then we were dropped in town for a bit of shopping, food and to go to the show. I was feeling so rubbish that all I could do was walk back streets where there wasn't anyone around...I would usually love shopping! We got some food and went to the show but it was so hot and again I was so uncomfortable that I could hardly watch the show (and was close to tears). I was then coughing all night and could not find any comfortable position to fall asleep.

The next day we had to kill another 4 hours in town so we went to the National Gallery. I chose there because I could sit down in every room. That's all I did was move to the next room and sit until I just had to get out and get fresh air. There were famous pictures that I'd have liked to have looked at but I couldn't even be bothered to get up and walk over. In the end we just sat in a park until it was time to get the coach. Then it was a tedious journey home. I was also feeling concious of my coughing annoying other passengers.

Poor DH was very patient with me but I felt so bad for ruining his weekend away too.

I'm off sick from work now as I'm absolutely exhausted (and still coughing) which I feel guilty about. I wish there was something I could take for it!!!

Sorry for the long moan....just needed to get it off my chest (if you'll forgive the pun)

Good news is that I have 4 days left at work before maternity leave starts :cheer:

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