Still worried after 20 week scan


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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A few of u will know ive felt worried over last few weeks. had my scan 20 week scan today and even though everything looks normal it is measuring on the smaller side. This wouldnt normally worry me but had one baby born on 3rd centile and second on the 13th. Both these babies were on or over the 50th centile at 20 weeks.
The sonographer didnt fill me with confidence either which isnt helping !! Am booked for growth scans at 34 and 38 weeks as problems with growth of my other two happened in later pregnancy.
Just bit worried that if things get left till 34 weeks all hell might break loose !! with not being allowed out of hospital etc which happened with my first !!
sorry to waffle on and hope i'm not worrying anyone else, small now doesnt mean problems just with my track record im worried !!!! xxx
Was baby a lot smaller than you expected or just a little under? Maybe it will have a growth spurt soon and catch up a bit. Will they not scan you any earlier, or could you go private?
Not wanting to worry you but my baby measured a bit smaller at 20 weeks and they planned a scan for 34 weeks to check. I went for a 4d scan at 27 week by which point the baby was very small and they found a problem with the placenta. I had my baby at 30+6 and I really believe that there would not have been a happy ending if I had waited until the 34 week scan.
Can you try and get an earlier scan? Speak to your mw and see what she says.
Try not to stress out too much though as sarah said baby may have a growth spurt over the next few weeks. xxxxxxx
Thanks ladies is quite a bit smaller than I thought on the opposite end of the little scale than the boys were. Will speak to midwife on next appointment in 5 weeks I also have the bonus of working in the hospital and know when u get to 22 weeks if u have problems can go to labour ward to get checked out. growth problems with my first were pick up just before 31 weeks after had 3 occasions of reduced movement they induced me at 35weeks and he is fine. my second they kept an eye on me but only till 32 weeks when the said he was 5ib 13 was born 7 weeks later at only 6ib 13.

Just out of interest my measurements are HC 165.7mm AC 144.4mm FL 30.3mm EFW 296g how does this compare to yours ? Asked my freind for hers and there is quite a difference but then she has been told she is having a big baby xxxx

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