Still worried about miscarriage even after 12 week scan


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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Hi, I have just had 12 week scan and was amazed to find out I'm expecting twins....soo happy! :dance: Only problem is that I lost a baby at 11 weeks before and even though the scan this time was fine, i still can't stop worrying. Have had lots of "growing pains" which worried me at first until midwife explained things, but now find a worry if I have a day without feeling anything. Keep telling myself to stay happy and positive but it's still niggling at the back of my mind - how would i know if anything is wrong. Has anyone else been in the same situation?
First of all congratulation on having twins!!! :cheer:

I think its ok for you to calm down about miscarrying. After the first trimester the risk drops at an amazing rate.

If there where any problems even the slightest thing, the lady doing your scan would have told you.

Best thing to do is look after yourself and your bump. And most importantly stay positive, that will help you alot.

I know its painful to move on from a previous miscarriage but you must try and stay happy about this pregnancy, you have made it past the hardest hurdle now your in this trimester you can start to feel good.

xx :hug: xx :hug: xx
Hiya hun, foirst of all congratualtions on your little twinnines!! :dance:

You must worry a hundred times more than normal as you;ve had a miscarriage already hun, i know it's easy to say but please try and not stress yourself out with worrying too much. Just relax and try and enjoy your pregnancy.

Here's to a happy and healthy 9 months! :hug:
congrats on twins...I haven't miscarried before but as i entered tri 2 my anxieties have clamed...I stress about other things now LOL
I didn't stop worried until I felt the baby move! Even now I have a little panic now and again. It's unfortunately a normal part of pregnancy, I have never been pregnant before and every pain or twinge worries me!

All I can say is try to relax about it. Apparently you feel movements earlier with twins & you should be getting a nice bump soon!

Congratulations on the pregnancy. And welcome to the forum! The ladies on here are fantastic for advice, reassurance & friendship.
Congratulations on your twins! Hope you feel abit more relaxed soon! :hug:
congratulations on twinnies!

I have twins and wouldn't swap them for the world!

Good luck! :cheer:
congrats on your twins!!!
hope you feel a little more relaxed soon hun!!!

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