Still waiting......


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2010
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Hiya ladies...

As you may have already seen, ive been piping on about still having no AF and still BFN, what do you girls think....?

Last month i had loads of CM around the time my AF was due, i had extremly achey boobs, and had weird twinges in my abdo (never usually get sore boobs with AF, and never noticed that twinge before) AF came exactly 8 days late and it was excruciating, i was heavier than usual and in more pain than usual. The tests i was doing were giving me a BFN, but later in the day when i looked there was a faint pink line, but first response test came up BFN.....

This month AF is so far 7 days late. Ive not had the same CM experience as last month, or achey boobs, but have had the weird little twinge, sore throat and headache's.....and the tests are doing the same as last month....

It has been suggested that my cycle length may have changed, if so, what can cause this? Ive been regular 28 day since coming off the pill in January (March 1 week late)......any ideas ladies???

Hi Chazabell, sorry no similar experience to share but didn't want to read and run!
Why do our bodies have to torment us like this! :roll:
Hoping you get your bfp soon :-)
Sounds very promising!

But like all of us TTC, we tend to get our hopes up and it turns out to be something else lol But your symptoms, sound very promising...I would do a clear blue test tomorrow morning, as they tend to be accurate and then you will have a promising answer...

Good Luck, I hope you get your BFP!
I can appreciate where your coming from, last month perfect 28 day cycle, this month ... not a dam thing!!

I would go and have a chat with your nurse explain that you are ttc and your cycles have suddenly become erratic she may offer to do some tests for you, maybe even tell a little white lie and say you have been ttc for a year now with no success then that way you may get something done about it... good luck hun x
I don't know what exactly might cause change to cycles except long term contraceptions, but my own cycle has changed over the years.

I used to have quite a long cycle of 33-35 days and now i have one of 27-28 days... it wasn't long ago that i had one at 25 days.

I don't really know when it changed, whether it was gradual or sudden because i wasn't always counting.

It a good idea to be counting while ttc anyway just for accuracy.
Thanks girls. Ive considered doing a clearblue, but dont want to spend £8 for a "not pregnant". And im inbetween doctors now as ive just moved, so will take a while for me to get in to speak to a doctor or nurse. If my cycle has changed and AF is due tomorrow, it doesnt feel like it. No bloated belly, no wind, no spots on my face xxxx
And another thing.....I've not been sleeping! Usually I'm asleep no problem, this last week its taken me an age to fal asleep, could it all be connected???? Xxx
I would def do another test tomorrow with FMU because on either view you should be due AF tomorrow and if that's still a BFN I would personally wait another week and do another one but would also be tempted to book to see a dr if possible as it must be v frustrating if you don't know what's going on with your cycle! x
I'd put the not sleeping down to the stress of the situation personally...

See what happens tomorrow :) You could be pregnant, but got a negative because it hadn't been long enough.

I'd use a cheap HPT and only if you think you got a positive have a go on a more sophisticated HPT :)

Good luck!
Thanks ladies, ill test in morning with FMU on a cheapie and let you all know :) xx
Morning girls.....its a BFN! I'm gonna hold out till Mon/Tues, if AF aint arrived by then ill test again, deep down I think I know I'm not, but just wish AF would hurry up so I can start my next cycle and start again, but ill count as a 35/36 day cycle....and a 28 JUST incase xxxx

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