Still testing positive is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2014
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Hi ladies,

It's 2 weeks since my miscarriage and was told to test 2 weeks on to check I'm getting a negative.

I've done two tests and both are positive :/

What do you think?

Stacey xx
I got told to wait 3 weeks Stacey, they say 2 weeks from you stop bleeding. Try testing again in a few days and if it's still positive contact epu as there could be a little retained tissue.
Thanks for your help hun. Ill re test next week.

Sorry for your loss hun xx
Do you by any chance have a pic of your original positive to compare? Is it faint?

I wouldn't panic though. I had a missed miscarriage and my test was negative 2 weeks later.. Then had a much earlier one and for weeks it was still positive.

I would say if it's positive next week, give your doctor a call. They may want to scan you jjst incase there is any 'retained tissue' i hate saying that but that's the terminology they use :( xxx
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Thanks hun. I dont have a pic but the line is the same as when I tested when I got my bfp the day I found out I was pregnant and I did a digital today which says 1-2 weeks pregnant.

I'm very sorry for your losses hun.

I'm confused as they scanned me two weeks ago and said everything had passed but I'm not sure it did cause last Thursday I had another passing like when I lost the baby. Very confused xx
I was 11 weeks but online I read if you're more than a few weeks along when you miscarry your levels drop quick xx
I'm not 100%. I panicked when they took a while to drop and i read somewhere that they drop at the same rate they rise so they should halve every 48 hours but i don't trust anything on the internet anymore.
Have you looked at the miscarriage association website?

[email protected]

You can email them and ask what they think? They'll probably reply on monday though .

When you passed more was it very big?
I was scanned yesterday and they said they couldn't see anything and got home and passed what would have been the baby but i was early so it was small, 2 'parts' came around 3cm but for some reason they couldn't see that on the scan so don't know if it was too small or they just didn't look properly xxx
Thanks for the link hun.

Again im sorry for your losses :(

When I lost the baby two weeks ago I passed about a 10cm mass (don't want to be graphic) then 6 days later I passed another mass about 5-7cm and had the pains of when I miscarried. Was surprised as they said the day I miscarried that everything had come away.

I just don't know what to expect as I've never been pregnant or miscarried before xx
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I know what you mean hun.
I don't think you ever know what to expect. It is worse the further it is and the first is the hardest in my opinion. I am so sorry for you.

Don't worry i don't think you're being graphic, i've been there and wished i had someone to ask the graphic things so pm if there is anything you want to ask but don't want to post.

I see why you're confused. It annoys me because how could they miss something that big :/ but they obviously did miss it :( i just feel really let down by the nhs lately sorry if i'm venting lol xxx
Thanks hun. You never think you'll lose your baby when you get that bfp - I naively assumed everything would be ok as everyone I know had straight forward pregnancys.

Thanks hun. Will message you.

No I don't blame you venting lol. They've been useless with me and by the sounds of it I'm not the only one! Xx
No, i was the same. The niavety is so lovely, i don't think we'll feel that way again :( xxx
I dont think you'll be the same but I had a mmc at 10 weeks and had erpc, that was start of nov and it was New Year's Eve when I got a neg hpt. The docs said it's a bit unusual to take that long but they checked everything and I was just very slow. It's frustrating I know as just want to move on but two weeks is still early and im sure it won't take too much longer. Any worries though just contact hospital/docs you've been seeing.
I don't want to worry you but my advice is don't leave it call your gp. I had mmc in October. Hospital discharged me saying there was a little bit of blood left but I had done the hard work myself (opted for a natural mc). They did a test and it was negative. I stopped bleeding and returned to work.

In January I had waves of intense pain one night. I was vomiting and doubled over in pain. I was considering an a&e visit when it stopped. Two days later I went to the loo and saw one spot of blood. I wiped and caught a big ball of tissue in the toilet paper. I took it to my gp who initially thought it was a fibroid but sent it for testing anyway. It wasn't a fibroid it was a gestational sac that was degenerated. They couldn't date it but it was obviously from October as it was so degenerated. The pains and vomiting I had a few days earlier was a kind of labour.

Sorry if this is tmi and I really don't want to scare or worry you but I knew something wasn't right in the weeks following the mc. I convinced myself that as the hospital had discharged me it must be ok and ignored it.

Luckily no infection or illness raised from it but It could have been far far worse.

My point is if you are concerned speak to a doctor you can trust. If you get fobbed off or feel you are still not happy them push for another scan. What happened to me was very very rare but I wish I had l looked into it further when I initially felt something wasn't right. When ttc since I have been scared to death that I may not be able to conceive as there was a sac left in there for 4 months. I was wrong and I'm now. 4+6 and nervously waiting for an early scan.

All the best to everyone here
Oh Rhondalou :(
See this is what i mean how could they miss that? Really makes me doubt them :( sorry for your loss is sounds awful xxx
It was the hardest thing I ever had to go through I think it was twins as at the first scan she said she wasn't sure if she was seeing two sacs or one that was collapsing.

I really don't want to scare anyone just think if you concerned then keep on until you are happy.

I have a reassurance scan week after next at the same unit in the same hospital so I'm hoping I can smash those nasty memories and bad emotions with positive ones.

The one good thing that came out of it was as the sac then ended up in the hands of the hospital they offered me the chance to participate in a funeral with other first trimester babies. Having that service and a garden of rest to visit has made it easier to deal with xx
Hey mrs I took 3 weeks to go back to negatives, first AF arrived yday (cd33) so it was 6dats longer than my average cd27 Afs....just praying I ovulate this month so we can try again x
Definitely not Lou. My next pregnancy (and I'm sure other ladies to) will be tainted with worry! I won't relax til 12 weeks losing my baby at 11 xx
Thanks Elliot. Sorry it took so long for you! Xx
Thanks for sharing RhondaLou. I'm so sorry to hear that! I have been having bad pain in my lower left abdomen the last few days but hospital don't seem worried and like when I was having the miscarriage had the same 'we can't do anything for you' attitude. The pain might be nothing but for me to say im in pain it has to be very bad. I'm pleased they offered you the garden of rest service hun what a lovely way to remember your baby.

They do seem to miss a lot don't they? Craziness. Xx

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