Still not over miscarriage 18 months on!

Little Miss Joslyn

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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Sorry to rant on but im still finding it hard to cope after my miscarriage which was April 05. It was my first pregnancy and me and my OH were going through a bad patch and my mum was ill in hospital, when i found out I was pregnant! I was over the moon and grinning from ear to ear as i had wanted a baby for so long. I couldnt keep it a secret from work and wish i had as I started spotting at around 5 weeks and the girls at work worried me and told me to go to see my doctor. I then went to A & E where they did an internal and prodded about inside. They said it was nothing to worry about as it looked like a cervical erosion and my cervix was closed. i I then was told to go and rest and to come back if the bleeding persists. I went back after the bleeding got worse but I had no pain and they did another internal. I must have had 7 internals and now im thinking that if I hadnt had the internals I would have my baby to hold in my arms today. My story gets worse after being treated terribly in A & E when my miscarriage had started but i wont go into thatas its too painful.
Thay told me I had a "missed miscarriage" and since then I have felt numb and wanted to go on antidepressants but i knew that I needed to start trying again. I am still not pregnant and have been put on Clomid as I am told im not ovulating but im an emotional wreck and to top it all, my sister is now pregnant with her second child which is due on the day of my D & C a year after! :shock:
I just feel like giving up and dont know which way to turn or how to get back on track again.The stress of it is affecting my life and I dont think i will ever be happy again.
Thanks for reading and sorry to depress anyone. x
puff puff ..... don't give up, at least give the Clomid chance to do it's thing :) You ovulated last month didn't you? And that was on your first month of Clomid if I've got it right? Sounds to me like you're making fantastic progress already :wink:

I know how hard it is, and it's terrible that you had such an awful time with your MC, but just hang in there, it WILL happen soon. We're all here to support you in the meantime, and we'll all be here to cheer when you get your BFP :hug:
puff puff hun :hug: :hug: :hug: we are always here for you stay positive hun xxxxxxxxxxx
LauraB said:
puff puff ..... don't give up, at least give the Clomid chance to do it's thing :) You ovulated last month didn't you? And that was on your first month of Clomid if I've got it right? Sounds to me like you're making fantastic progress already :wink:

I know how hard it is, and it's terrible that you had such an awful time with your MC, but just hang in there, it WILL happen soon. We're all here to support you in the meantime, and we'll all be here to cheer when you get your BFP :hug:

I think its the Clomid that are making me so emotional as im like Jakel and Hyde at the moment and im feeling so depressed on them, more than normal! :oops: Im going to go to the doctors on tuesday to see if he can put me on an alternative tablet. Thanks for your support. x
Oh Puff Puff your post made me cry :hug:

It will happen for you and you'll be a wonderful Mum with loads of love to give. My friend got her BFP a few months into taking chlomid xx
Thinking of you puffpuff,please don't give up it will happen I'm sure,it happened for me - and no one minds you ranting on and pouring your heart out,that's what we are all here for. :hug: :hug:
Sending you loads of babydust...bagpuss xxx
Thanks for all your kind comforting words Skatty, Bagpus, Laura, Rach and lou lou. I have been feeling very weak, fuzzy headed and sick today and OH has been moaning that I havent done any housework! men :roll: :x Think i have a hormone imbalance and anxiety as I have no energy to do anything so no wonder im not falling pregnant. I want to pick myself up and feel 100 % but im just getting weaker. Was thinking of spending £50 on these multivitimins that Marilyn Glenville goes on about in her "Solutions to infertility" book! They are called "Fertility Plus". It is a months supply for men and women trying to conceieve but im worried about wasting my money! Has anyone heard of fertility plus or tryed them?
I'm the same with the exhaustion Puff Puff,

I slept most of sunday I had absolutely no energy whatsoever...I have multivitamins by taking Pregnacare and I've had blood tests which came back ok :roll:
I've been like this for a few months now.

I know that I really need to make a few changes in my diet and get some excercise...but I can't be bothered I'm too tired when I get home...vicious cycle. Maybe you need to think along the same lines before resorting to spending £50 on vitamins.

Do you have a balanced diet?

I'm sorry your not feeling yourself and I really hope you feel a bit better about things soon :hug:

((puff-puff)) Hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug:

This is just me love but I would focus on myself if I were you, try to do things that make you feel better. I know you said you lack in energy but I'm only suggesting small things, anything that you think will make you feel 1% better after it's done... Taking pills is easy and sure feels like you're doing everything possible to boost your fertility... But taking pills won't look after YOU. You have to do this part honey... Am I making any sense? Am I being too annoying now?!? Sorry if I am... Only trying to help. I obviously don't know how hard this is on you. But somewhere in me I know it will happen for you one day. You can get pregnant, you already know that.

Are you considering taking antidepressants? It wouldn't be a bad idea at all. And you WILL be happy again sweets, don't even think about that

many hugs for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Oh hun :hug: it will happen soon im sure hang in there .Where here if you need a chat

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