still not feeling baby move


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
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I'm nearly 23 weeks pregnant now,
Im getting worried as i havent felt little girl kick i think ive felt a few flutters but as its my first im not to sure!

Is this normall with an anterior placenta? x
I've no personal experience of this, but from what i've read, I'd say it was normal enough.

If you're worried, get an appointment with your MW and bring it up :)
Thanks hun ive got an appointment with my MW on the 5th july so trying to wait untill then! She was moving about fine at my 20 week scan but i just wish i could feel proper kicks im pretty sure i feel flutters now and again but like i said as it's my first im not sure what im feeling for lol x
Its totally normal with an anterior placenta.....all of a sudden, very soon, you'll started getting big kicks hun :)
Thanks hun that is just what i wanted to hear, has made me feel so much better!

I'm now beggining to actually look pregnant at last! x
dont worry i know i girl that is 23 weeks preg and she has also only felt a couple of flutters it will happend soon xxx
My mw told me if the baby is quite far back in the womb you may not feel it as much as if you would if it was further forward. Hope this helps!
I'm nearly 23 weeks pregnant now,
Im getting worried as i havent felt little girl kick i think ive felt a few flutters but as its my first im not to sure!

Is this normall with an anterior placenta? x

All sounds perfectly normal to me hun! I've got the same as you and I didn't start feeling anything til around 24 weeks and even then it was only very faint movements that I wasn't too sure about. I mainly felt things at night when I was relaxed and could concentrate on the sensations in a calm quiet room. I'm now 31 weeks and he's definately making up for it now...
I know it's hard not to worry but he or she will make themselves felt very
Mine didnt start until 24 weeks and by the time i was 30 weeks i was getting massive humungus kicks in the ribs :)
I'm 21 weeks and haven't felt anything either. Went for scan on Thurs and bubba actually turnt right round and I didn't feel a thing!! Sonographer said coz I have anterior placenta, this acts as a shock absorber and when bubba's kicks get stronger, I should feel it then. I know how you feel tho! I can't wait to feel it! Not even felt any flutters yet :( x x
I had an anteriour placenta with belle but when I was 22 weeks pregnant they gave mw a scan coz
I couldn't feel her move best to mension it I would say - don't worry tho I only think they scanned memcoz I could already feel things before she "stopped" kicking but she was ok x

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