still no sign of af at all......


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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well still no sign of her its been 7 days now
one strange thing though ive put on 6lb since i started to tr for a baby mid dec and my sister nicely pointed out to me that in our family women put on loads of weight when they are carrying girls
and my bloke also told me that twins run in his family 8 sets infact
neither of which id like lol i no how little girls turn out and twins well i think id cry as i no how hard 1 baby is lol
i no i should just be happy with what i get aslong as it healthy but still i will keep praying for a boy!!!!
manda x
but would you really mind if it was a girl aslong as (s)he was healthy!?!?

there is also still no sign of my AF either - it will be a week tomorrow!!!BUT not holding my hopes up as recently come off pill so know it can bugger up my period system! :hug:
tbh yes i would mind lol as horrible as it seems i really dont like little girls i have yet to met a little girl in my family that is sweet and doesnt scream her head of at the slightest thing all the little boys are quiet calm and much more nicer to be around
i no its how you bring them up but knowing my luck id have a little girl like me hehe im already going grey :shock: :shock:
manda x
and what would you do if you found out you were having a girl????

:shock: :shock: :shock:
i wouldnt do anything oh god i wouldnt get rid of it noway its still a baby and id still love t asmuch as i would a boy id just rather not have a girl thats all
manda x
LOL :rotfl: this made me laugh!

I spent ages debating whether I wanted a boy or girl! I keep doing those gender predictor tests online to see what I'm expecting, hehe.

At the end of the day we have in choice in the matter, what will be, will be.

But manda, I do completely understand where you're coming from! lol

Piglet xx
sorry Manda - at first i thought you were stating you DONT want a girl - as in you wont want it, so im sorry i misunderstood you!!!

i now understand what you are on about lol

i always used to want a little girl - always!!! but after recently TTC i dont mind what i have, if i have one, but all the names i like are boys, cant really find any girls names i REALLY like - apart from Madison!!

it would be fantastic to have a little girl, OR a little boy though.... alhtough my fiance's side have always been boys, his dad only ever had brothers and my fiance and his brother! but you never know - im just counting on getting pregnant and as long as the baby is healthy i dont mind what i have! :hug:
I know what you mean too, we would love our baby no matter what the gender but.....we talk about our future child in terms of a boy, have a boys name picked but not a girls, we would just prefer a boy soooooo much!

Good luck!
glitzy have you any children already - or would this be your first?!

btw - hope your ok, aint spoke to you in a few days, xxxxxxx :hug:
I wouldn't mind
girls grow up to be closer to thier mommy but boys are cute as kids
girls tend to be faster in developement but boys cry less
the down side to both are
girls get PMS and teen angst boys ....Kevin and perry at teens and an aversion to washing. :rotfl:
MissGobby said:
sorry Manda - at first i thought you were stating you DONT want a girl - as in you wont want it, so im sorry i misunderstood you!!!

i now understand what you are on about lol

i always used to want a little girl - always!!! but after recently TTC i dont mind what i have, if i have one, but all the names i like are boys, cant really find any girls names i REALLY like - apart from Madison!!

it would be fantastic to have a little girl, OR a little boy though.... alhtough my fiance's side have always been boys, his dad only ever had brothers and my fiance and his brother! but you never know - im just counting on getting pregnant and as long as the baby is healthy i dont mind what i have! :hug:

you might get lucky boys are the norm in my family yet my aunt got 6 kids she gave up trying for a boy!!!

also glad to know im not the only one who would pick if they could
manda x

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