Still No Sickness


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Ok maybe wishful thinking here but i still have no morning sickness only the really strong feeling of nausea and thats it i keep thinking somethings wrong as with my last 2 i had it quite bad or am i worrying over nothing here lol :lol:
I think we're just lucky! I've not had any sickness (touch wood) had a scan at 9 weeks and all looks good. My mum never had morning sickness with me or my brother either so I'll just be glad I appear to have taken after her! Is worrying as everything you read goes on about how common MS is and how it's a sign of a strong pregnancy but I think it just varies from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy.

All the best,

Hey Flossy

I was the same with Gab; only nausea.

It's funny how we worry when we don't really have symptoms and moan when we do :lol:

Hope you are doing well :hug:
Every pregnancy is different no matter how many children you have had so don't worry. think yourself very lucky! (i had awful sickness in 1st tri)
take care
I just had 24/7 nausea and was never sick once. Annoying as hell tbh but it passed at about 14 weeks for me.
i'm much the same. Nausea when i'm hungry and early in the morning and tired in the afternoons. That's about it. was really expecting to be quite ill with it as my mum was ill right the way through all of her pregnancies. I guess i'm still at the start of things so fingers crossed it stays how i am over the next few weeks!
i had nausea all day every day for 19 weeks with emma and this time its not so bad so far :pray: :D
My first pregnancy I hardly had any nausea at all but this time I feel more or less permanently sick. As has been said, every pregnancy is different!
apart from throwing up bile twice, i havent been 'sick' only feeling really nausious (spel?) BUT fingers crossed,thats gone now :cheer:
I only get the very occasional feeling of nausea but very rarely. I was that worried i had a scan at 8 weeks to check all was ok (and it was). I am very bloated though.. oh and i have terrible wind!! :oops:

Claire x
I've not felt sick and i'm 10 weeks now. I feel a bit queasy if i haven;t eaten for a while, but no probs!
Think yourself lucky! I am constantly feeling sick and being sick, it was the same with my last one :roll: . The joys of pregnancy ! x

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