Still measuring small

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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God I've started really dreading my MW appointments, so much so that my OH has to come with me or I just cry.... :oops:

Well the palava of the 'small baby' continues....

Here's what happened before;

31 weeks I measured 28 weeks, the MW said the baby 'felt' small too so I was scheduled a growth scan.

31+3 I went to the growth scan, consultant measured me at 27 weeks and baby scanned at 31+1-so about right.

32 weeks another midwife app (same one who referred me)....I measure at 32 weeks :clap:

33 weeks I measure 30 weeks-yet another MW I haven't met before... Have my Anti D amd am told to return at 35 weeks to be measured again and possibly rescanned.

35+2 weeks I measure 31.5cm. The MW (another different one)said this is probably because I'm small, said baby felt fine to her, wasn't laid centrally which could effect measurements etc. Wrote on my notes;

Well today. Fundal height still low on gestational age but growth USS on 24/07 normal. Ceph (??can't read her writing too well lol) PP now well down in pelvis 2/5 palp, ?----> FH measurment fundal height continuing to be decreased. See again in 1 to review.

Then today, I have yet anoter I've never met, I'm 36+4 and measure 32. Oooh I've just noticed my BP was only 98/60....anyway, I've been referred for another scan next thursday, when I'll be 37+3. OH asked if there was any point really as was there a lot they could do and the MW said if she looks to be smaller than average they'll whip her out that afternoon :shock:

It's no wonder I'm always so stressed lol
Oh hun I feel for you!!
My SIL had this problem! Constantly being sent for scans! Each time telling her that yes baby is a little small but nothing to worry about and baby was still growing well!
She ended up going over a little and baby was born 6lbs 11oz which yes quite small but not too small! He was pefectly fine and healthy!
Try not to worry though I know it must be stressing you out all this messing about!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Midwives & Dr's drive me mad!!! They always make you feel worse rather than reassured & calm, grrr!!!!

Try not to stress (easier said than done!!) :hug:

Grrrr :doh: How annoying for you!

I've been told all sorts (3 weeks ahead, 2 weeks ahead, spot on, 1 week ahead) yet I haven't been sent for a scan! I think they're just being over cautious sweet.

Either way, if they do whip her out at 37+3, then you get to meet your LO sooner :hug:

I know how you feel though, in completely different circumstances & situations, it's the not knowing which is the worst part of it all :( :hug: xx
with my 2nd i was always measuring small.
i was being sent for growth scans each week.
he was always under the bottom centile. eventually at 38 weeks he had hardly grown at all and i was induced that day.
he was 5lb 4.
I had this too. At 41weeks i measured 35weeks. At 39+5 i had a growth scan. She was 'slightly under average' in size. Expect a 6lb baby. 41+3 out pops an 8lb 3oz baby!!! I was worried all the way through.
I was measuirng small throughout my pregnancy, I measured 35 weeks when I was 40 weeks. 3 days later I gave birth to a 9lb 8oz baby so fundal height is bollocks if you ask me! Luckily the MWs in this area seem to be very relaxed over this kind of thing (don't know if thats good or bad) so I never had any issues re growth scans. FWIW I always measured 2+ weeks behind.


This was my belly at 37 weeks, not the tiniest but still pretty small-


Alex xxx
I wouldnt worry too much. I have always measured small right throughout this pregnancy.
I am 38 weeks pregnant and at my appointment with midwife yesterday, bambino was measuring 33 weeks - she said it is small, but still within 10th percentile and she is growing each and every appointment.

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