Still getting a faint bfp should I be worried?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2017
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So on Wednesday I got a very faint bfp on a Sainsburys test I thought my eyes were deceiving me so I did a clearblue digital and it came up positive. I took another clearblue Wed evening just before husband came home so I could be sure before telling him again came up pregnant 1-2. Then I had a few spare left in my drawer so did the 2nd Sainsburys one and it was still pretty faint and just taken one of the Asda ones I had and still pretty faint line. I am 16dpo but very reluctant to tell either set of parents without a bit more of a of a postive result.
Have you got a FRER test to take? Good luck with it, the digi clear blue is a good sign
I did sainsburys ones when i got my bfp it was so faint i wasn't even sure it was there. I did a clearblue digital the next morning and the other sainsburys test using the same sample and got 2-3 on the digital but the sainsburys one was still faint.
Im 17 weeks on monday.
The asda one the line got darker but after about 15 mins instead.of the 3 the.packet says
In those first few days it takes a while for faint lines to get darker - took me about a week before I could say it was a 'dark' line. Think it took 3 days before my faint line was more than faint x
Try to use the same tests if you can as some are more sensitive than others. I got a faint positive on a pound land one so I went and got some boots ones as I assumed they'd be more accurate as they were more expensive. The line was barely visible so I panicked! Turns out the pound land ones are loads more sensitive so show up clearer lines.

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