valentine said:
Hi honey,
That all sounds really positive - do you mind if I steal some of those ideas?
YES! Of course. Feel free! I shall let you know how our ideas pan out when we implement them....
valentine said:
I am really glad you are feeling a bit better. I'm sure there are real hormonal fluctuations when you stop/cut down breastfeeding.
Yes, HV said that today and I read that endorphins are produced when BFing so obviously the lack of those aren't going to help...also, it is a very emotional thing and I think I underestimated how emotional I would feel cutting down. Although I gave a lot of thought to my decision about cutting down and stopping, it is so emotive as a mother,providing for your baby, no one else can BF your baby. Well, they can and in some cultures they do but you know I mean OH can't and he is the other significant person in LO's life. HV also mentioned post-partum depression today... going to chekc this out, didn't really get what she briefly touched on.
valentine said:
I find it difficult to talk to OH without him taking everything very personally even if I'm talking about my own cr*pness and failings. We are not great at communicating just now. He also always wants to fix things. I say "I'm tired", he says "go to bed earlier" - if only it was that simple! The evening is the only time I get to myself and I've always loads of cleaning, cooking and computer things to catch up on!
I soooo know this feeling... it seems that men tend to want to FIX things when sometimes I know we are our own worst enemies, but we just want a moan, yeh we COULD got to bed earlier... but like you say that's the ""ME" time.... and sometimes we know what we have to do to change a situation, but we like a good moan and just for someone to listen and say "uh-huh" "mmmmm" and "I know what you mean" in the right places.
And a cuppa made for us doesn't go amiss either!!!
OH and I have never been good at communicating, no matter how we try. We seem to both get defensive... think we are both v. sensitive and take it all personally. Both aquarians so both stubborn.
tonight wasn't too bad at all so maybe we are making headway.
I hope if you implement some of those ideas that you get somewhere... sometimes I think relationships are very complex and it is so much more of a partnership these days (years ago roles were much more defined) and so it needs to be treated like a partnership even if it means doing things and discussing issues in a more formal manner. thank goodness we have forums where we can post and get support.
LO has been asleep now for 3 and half hours, it has given us some much needed space and time tonight to do our own things.... we are hoping she will sleep til midnight ish have a BIG feed and sleep til 6.30 am tomorrow.... I am sending those sleep vibes to her as I type so we'll see if they communicated with the melatonin in her brain and the vibes worked!!!!
I'll let you know tomorrow if they worked....
for you Valentine, hope you feel less tired soon