A question to those who suffered PMS before pregnancy...


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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I suffered with PMS really badly b4 becoming pregnant.. during my 9 months although I had a lot of physical probs, I had no migraines (usually hormone induced and linked to menstral cycle), no PMS mood swings or tears.. yes, I felt tired and had sore boobs but of course these were pregnancy related and sore boobs were no more sore than usual pain when due on.

Since having LO I haven't had a period, am BFing anyway. But I can honestly say despite feeling tired (night feeds are a killer) I actually feel really happy and balanced. I wonder is it because I am a mum.... LO brings so much joy and contentment? Is it cos I haven't had a period? Is it cos I am not at work and can do things when I want... no stress... etc.

I am wondering about going on the pill when I stop BFing, not for contraception, but to control periods and mood swings etc. So wouldbe interested to hear your views if you are on any kind of pill. I was taken off combined pill as I sufered migraines. But I have heard there is a new pill where you don't have periods at all.(BLISS!!!!)
I hasten to add I have never suffered heavy periods or painful periods, just the cr*p beforehand for about 2-3 weeks.

But I also wanted to know if anyone who suffered with PMS found it got better after a baby?? might do a poll.... :think:
I don't like the pill as it kills my sex drive a bit. But it does tend to help with pains and PMS a bit. I also find I sleep worse when taking it.

With regards to the not having a period new pill thing, I've not heard of it. All they do (or did anyways) is precribe the combined pill and you simply don't have a 7 day break, but keep taking it every day, 365 a year. No period then at all.

If there is a new pill out there that doesn't give a bleed I'd be interested to know. I don't really plan on going back on any of the pills anytime soon thought.
I started taking the pill again yesterday not for contraception reasons at the moment, but because hubby says that my PMS is back again. I haven't noticed, perhaps I am just too busy.

I used to get very grumpy and my IBS seemed to get worse.

I haven't heard anything about the new pill that stops the monthly bleeds. That is another reason why I went back on the pill. I like to know when AF is coming and can delay her for a few days anytime I want.
Hiya, am totally new to this forum and not yet a mum (due July) but have been reading for ages and thought I'd make my first post a reply to you!!!

I was on the combined pill for years, but I started getting headaches so doc put me on a form of the mini pill called Cerazette. It stopped all monthly bleeds and I had virtually no symptoms at all. You take it every day with no breaks. It stops periods in about 75% of women who use it - but as soon as I stopped, periods returned immediately.

Not sure if it helps or not but could be worth a try! x

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