Still at home!


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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These pains keep stopping and starting!
Spoke to the hospital and they said it is the start of it all, but until they become more regular or my waters break, they cant do anything!
So I've just got to wait at home now for something to happen!
Am in agony in my back, bump and legs but the hospital say its fine!
Sorry, rant over!
Sorry to hear they wont do'd think they'd give a sweep to help move things along! I was like that for 2 days with my last hopefully you'll be cuddling your baby by friday! i know that seems ages away, esp with all the pain ur in.
I really hope everything kick starts tonight for you though!
Good luck :) xx
Yeah and its Friday 13th!
I can have a sweep at my next mw appointment on saturday if hes not here by then.
Just got to wait it out now!
OH is getting so annoyed coz I keep texting him at work when im in agony and he gets ready to come home and they stop!
It will end up being like the boy who cried wolf!
Awww Sam, hope things get moving quickly for u, surely u can't be too much longer xxx
Are you bouncing on your ball? Can you go for a walk? Hope it regulates for you soon hun xxxxxxxxx
Its so frustrating, mine are 7 min apart lasting 1 min but hospital says I'm coping well at home so to stay here. Fingers crossed for you, hope they get more regular x x
I'm sure it will get regular soon have a bath and take paracetamol if the pain gets so bad and a bit more regular call hospital and cry then if its the same as our hospital they will let you go in assuming they are not busy and check dilation and do sweep if your only a couple of cm, they even let me use pool.

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I hope it happens soon for you Hun the waiting is so painful xx
This happened to with ds2 and I had him 4 hours later :) xx Good luck hun xx
Am hoping it will start up more in the night.
Just resting and eating plenty to keep my energy levels up at the mo!

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