Sticky Request


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2006
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I was just thinking it would be cool to have a sex predictor Sticky, where those of us who have mothers intuition can guess at what sex we think our child is going to be.

We could have a list of who thinks they are having what, and then once they are born or we have a scan and find out the sex, we can see who was right. Apparently mothers intuition is correct over 70% of the time, perhaps we can test this! Last time I thought a boy all the way through and I was right.

If you mods think this is a good idea, I would like to make a guess that I am having a girl, dont know why, my symptoms are all the same as last time, but I get the feeling that its a girl.

Good idea. :clap:

I have a feeling i am having a boy. Last time i thought it was a boy too but the feeling wasn't as strong as it is this time!

Yeah it sounds like a good idea, I wondered about this myself, where would we stick it so everyone would see it? Pregnancy buddies?
I thought boy all the way last time and was right! I think girl this time so we shall see! :)
The last few days I have started to think I am having a boy!
I shall make a sticky for this then here in firt trimester and edit it as we go along :D
OOOhhhhhhh a fabulous idea.....even though I'm not in first tri can I join in?! I have had the biggest feeling it's a boy from the moment we got our bfp! I can just imagine it, it feels like boy when I glance at the stuff in the catalogues and only the boy stuff seems to jump out at me?!

We'll see, 4 weeks tomorrow is our 20 weeks scan!

EDIT: Just seen sticky so I'll re-post x
Excellent idea Cat.

I'm definitely thinking Boy and have been for a couple of weeks mainly due to lack of symptoms.

Last pregnancy I had NO IDEA right until the last week when I started to get strong girl vibes. But perhaps we had a 6th sense because very early on we had chosen a girls name but we could never settle on a boy's name....


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