Sticky Question??


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Hi everyone,

I read that the man should 'release' old sperm between trying around time of ov and b4 trying again after next period so that the sperm is fresh and better sperm (if not trying every cple of days of course).

Then I read somewhere else that the man should not do this as it lessens his sperm count. And he should save up the sperm.

So what is correct??

We are trying for a girl so only get to try once a twice a month, from time period ends to two days b4 OV , plus i have a toddler who at the mo is having night terrors so often in our bed, so have to organise a night at nannies for these days!! (plus I ma 37 and hubby is 38)

Any thoughts & info welcome please? xxx:shock:
I think I read that sperm that is more than 3 days "old" is unlikely to be very healthy, but that releasing it every day may lower the sperm count. I think that is why docs recommend every other day if ttc.

Sorry, probably not very helpful!
From what I've read the optimum time is 2-3 days between ejaculation so that sperm is produced and has time to mature a bit as it were.
Thanks secrethope - no that is really helpful, especially as confirmed by
ninjakitty - thank you too. I will make sure now we apply the 3 day rule!
Congrats n/kitty on your little bubba in your tummy hope you are feeling ok.

Good luck secrethope - your time will come - dont stop believing it will happem !! :dance: xx
Great Question. Had never heard of this!

Thanks Ladies

Soph xx
Last edited:
Thanks Hun, feeling ok so far.

I also read that doc recommend that you BD every 2-3 days all the way through your cycle for the best chance of concieving. However I understand that trying for a girl you try and time things a bit more.

I have to admit when I was on AF and didn't want to BD I used to give my DH a bit of extra *ahem* attention to keep his bits primed and ready to go:blush:

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