

Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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hi im just wondering to the girls that had stiches,how did you find them after,my lo is 1week today and my stiches are causing me soo much pain i dread going for a wee,and i only had 2 little stiches :( did anyone else suffer with them,and how long did they take to heal/soothe..any advise on easing the sting
It seems everyone is different mine took a couple of weeks and I had a large cut. Pour water over when you per it really helps the sting.

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I had about 20 stitches, lots of single ones all around. Very painful for the first 8 days or so, have had them checked a few times by midwives and also a doctor and they say that they are not infected it just takes a long time to heal. Baby is now 12 days old and I'm just starting to feel better and a bit more mobile although midwife who checked them yesterday said I still need to take it easy and no walks etc. Doctor also told me to take a couple of baths a day, so I now have a morning bath with rock salt, started to feel much better since doing this. I am still taking both paracetamol and ibuprofen but hope to stop this tomorrow. It sucks cos I felt it stopped me from enjoying my new baby in the first few days, unfortunately you've just got to give it some time. Good luck
I had stitches 10 days ago and feel ok I take regular paracetomol I feel quite swollen down there but otherwise ok,just change your pad regularly and keep clean and try to take it easy and fingers crossed you will be feeling better in no time! XX
I know, it's just awful, mine took about 2 weeks to heal. It does help if you try and not exert yourself. I was always better in the morning and agony later after going up and down stairs all day.
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I had quite a few stitches and my mw recommended having baths with badedas bath creme (I got it from tescos). It was nice and soothing.

This will sound strange but I also used to go to the loo standing up facing the toilet and I had a jug with warm water in it that I used to pour water down there as I went. It really helped with the stinging etc. hope you feel better soon.
Not sure how many stitches I was given, but I was getting a lot of pain a few days after. Midwife had a look at them and said they were beginning to come apart which is why is was stinging so much when I went to the toilet. She prescribed me some antibiotics for it to prevent infection just in case, and it feels so much better now, and I'm on day 12 now
Hey hun- sorry u are in pain.....I had an episiotomy which was obv stiched and a small tear which they didnt. Did u just tear or was it an episiotomy? May feel different for each?.... I felt in pain/discomfort for a good few weeks but it got better each day. I took paracetomol and ibruprofen and had those cold gel packs u can put in your pants.....really soothing!!.....Also with weeing i was told to either poor warm water over myself or go in the bath or shower.....!!.....If you're worried that yours aren't healing/are infected just get mw to check.....I know it's prob last thing u wanna do (getting your bits out again after labour etc!) but its prob the most sensible thing to do and they can advise u from there. It will feel better in time hun xxx
Salt water baths were my saving grace xxx

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I had a third degree tear and my stitches caused me excruciating pain for a good few weeks - I would scream in agony every time I went to the toilet :( Lavender oil in the bath helps, as does salt. But a rubber ring from poundland to sit on, and make sure you keep it really clean down there.
I went to doctors 2 days ago as was very sore still 2 weeks after giving birth. I had 2nd degree tear that was stitched and a labial tear they didn't stitch. She said I had a bit of an infection and I got antibiotics that are safe for breast feeding. Feels a lot better already and even went for a walk today with the pram.

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