

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I'm just wondering if people have ever found that a step-dad feels like a biological dad?

As most on here know OH is Tally's step-dad, he was there from the moment i got my BFP and for her birth and has been everyday since, yet still i cant help see Tally as mine and not his :? i dont know why cos he's fantastic with her, i just get funny when he tells her off and i get very protective of her and i almost feel like only i can love her fully cos i'm her mother.

I know it upsets OH cos sometimes without thinking i'll call her MY baby not OUR baby it's like it's me and Tally as one and OH as a separate, not the 3 of us. I dont know if i'd feel the same about a child that was biologically both of ours as well.

I wanna know if other people have felt like this and if things will get better as she gets older, i dont want my feeling of us two and him to rub off on her cos we're lucky to have someone who wants to be a father to her.
These situations are never easy hun,my OH is great with my LO although she reguarly see's her dad he treats her as his own,i know what you mean about if he ever tells her off though,i will be going back to work next year after this baby and my OH will be looking after LO so of course will have responsability of her while im not there and i dont know how either of us will feel about that until the time comes.

If he is a big influence in her life which he appears to be then maybe you should let him take more responsability over her if your going to be a family unit.
My fiance Steve has taken my son on as his own since day 1. We got together when he was only 6 months old and ever since then they have got on brilliantly, it's all Marcus has ever known. Marcus even calls him Daddy (although he does have contact with his biological father too) and I have always been comfortable with that. If your OH is relaxed with your LO and your LO is relaxed with your OH, let their relationship grow naturally. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Saying that, now we have a baby which is both of ours on the way, I feel even more secure in the fact that Steve is a natural, loving and great Daddy :D
How does your ex feel about your OH calling your son Daddy?

My OH would love my LO to call him Daddy i think but as long as her real dad is on scene i wouldnt have it as i know he would go mental and with the grief he gives me already i dont need anymore :wall:
Luckily my ex isn't around so i refer to OH as Daddy and she'll call him that. I guess it would be more difficult if he was around, we left it 4 months before we started calling him Daddy as my ex has seen her (all of 5 times :roll:) but he's not interested and if he suddenly was interested again now i'd make it clear that OH is called Daddy and it's up to him what he wants to be called.

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