Stemetil tablets for sickness


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Some of you may know from my previous post that im off to see a consultant on tuesday about going back on my antidepressants, my other issue is that ive been having all day nausea/retching :puke: :puke: :puke: and cant get out the house (that is also to do with me being of my anti-d's too as I have panic attacks)

However, because of my sickness and my huge phobia of vomiting ive been prescribed Stemetil tablets, which I can take every 8 hours when necessary. Today (touchwood) has been the first day in 4 and a half months that I havent been dry heaving eveywhere! I feel like a new woman but dont want to get too excited in case it doesnt last.

Just had to share my relief with you all. :dance:
That's brilliant news!! Long may it last and I am sure it will!! :D
thats great im glad stemital worked for you.
no sickness tabs worked for me apart from zofran.

Thats really good news! :D
I know what you mean about not being able to leave the house, for 10 weeks ive had feeling sick everyday and being sick nearly everyday....its certainly an adventure when i do get to leave the house and go on a bus driving over bumpy roads eek!
Glad they seem to be working for you!

I was precsribed Cyclizine and they didnt work for me. It seems to have cleared up on its own (I was 15 weeks when it stopped with my son as well). Bet i'm throwing up everywhere tomorrow now i've said that!
Oh my lord..............I used to take stemetil for vertigo. Had bad morning sickness.
I didnt even think. they are fab.
So glad they are working for you :hug: :D long may it last
Glad for you hun. I been prescribed loads of tablets but nothing seems to work for me :(

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