stay at home mums


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Hi everyone,

i've decided recently that aftre the babys born i would like to be a stay at home mum for a while. oh is happy and can support me on this but i would like to do something myself that would bring a little bit of money in as well.does anyone else do anything at home that earns them a bit of pocket money. i know a lot of people buy and sell on ebay but it doesnt appeal to me at all and means i'd constanstly be going to and from the post office which is not local to me.

Thanks for any ideas :) x

9 weeks tomorrow :dance:
i have been a stay at home mum since my dd was born and she will be 5 next month, i did think about doing something working from home but like you never came up with an idea, so if you find one let me know :D
Hi :wave: I'm also a stay at home mum, and I've often thought about working from home. There aren't really many options that I've found, but recently saw an advert for Avon consultants. I'm really interested in doing it, but am moving in a few months so there's not much point in starting now. I might look into it further after the baby's born. Apparently the hours are really flexible, and you basically work as much/little as you like, and the pay depends on how much work you put in.
Im not sure about Avon but please dont get sucked in by other catalogue businesses like Betterware. Its a lot of hard work for not much money and some people are really rude. I did it for 2 weeks before i told her where to stick her catalogues, the only people making any money are them!
Another idea (i would do but i hate ironing too much) is an ironing business or something like alterations if your any good with a sewing machine. I live down the road from a post office and they have people advertising for alsorts of things like this.
Im an Avon rep and i totally love it, apart from when i spend most of my earnings in the book. :wall: :wall: you earn £1 for every £4 spent or something like that, but if you dont sell over £75 you dont earn anything. You pay for your books and bags and there is also a fee of £15 when you start, you pay £7.50 for the first 2 orders and its detucted from your earnings.

Hope that helps xx
ooh all it sounding good thanks. i did the avon thing before and to be honest i didnt really find that it worked for me.
I have thought a lot about the ironing business though, it seems to have really taken off over the last couple of months and i dont mind ironing so maybe il give that a try
keep your ideas coming though :) xx
I did avon for a while! I never made anything lol except about a 1000 lipsticks and glosses etc! :lol:
I'd be interested to know what i could do from home aswell. My mum stayed at home and looked after me and im very old fashioned with my beliefs (i appreciate everyone is different) Money will be a problem so i may have to go back to work 2 days a week and if im still struggling i will work in the evenings when my OH is with the baby. I dont want to miss a thing with my baby growing up. So many poeple say "you may think differently" but Its not really about me anymore..

Claire x
im becoming a childminder. Hopefully having just school age kids to begin with
Chickadee - I looked into this too. There is MASSES of red tape to jump through now though as all the Early Years care legislation is due to change September 2008. I wouldnt be able to do it as I only live in a flat with stairs to the garden (fails the risk assessment!):wall:
If you have the time and energy to jump through it all then I imagine it's a rewarding route. Plus there's now loads of support available to childminders through places like surestart and children's centres. And a good childminder is worth her weight in gold!!
I'd be interested to hear what you find out about it all, it's still something I might consider later on (when I have a house!).

Oh I just saw that you live in Scotland - things might be totally different up there!! Ah well, might be useful for someone else to read :lol:
If you like using the computer - how about starting your own blog? "Mommy" blogs are apparently the next big thing in America at the moment, so would expect the UK to follow suit. Of course, some don't get read by more than a handful but some manage to earn megabucks, and the rest might just earn a decent bit of extra money. You can get started for free if you want to test the waters by getting a free blog on . Then you make money from it by putting adverts on there. Google adsense is the easiest to start off with. Might be worth a thought for lots of the women on here who love chatting. :)
Im a stay at home mum, my lil boy started school full time last september
omg I was lost at first, thought about working full time but really wanted to be the one to pick him up and take him to school...Im old fashioned like that too.
So i dived into DIY :rotfl: So far decorated our bedroom and sitting room.
Now baby 2 on way shall have hands full again :-)
There are websites with ideas for Mums who want to work from home can't remember their urls but google it I'm sure you'll find some.

Here's one:

Usbourne books have a scheme as well that you can do from home. have a few threads on ideas from other stay at home mums on their forums.

Good luck with finding something :)
I guess you could say I am lucky as we moved to France last year and are spending some time renovating our house over not actually working at the moment.

Saying that renovating whilst pregnant isnt going to be the best thing in the world!

Hope you dont mind me posting in 1st Tri as its going to be atleast a year before I'm in here again :(

Anyway, I'm a stay at home Mummy :cheer: (although my youngest will be going to school in September :shock: )

I have my own business which I have been doing for about 3 years now. I started because I wanted to stay at home with Caitlin as I never got that opportunity with Callum.

If anyone wants to know anymore about work you can do from home drop me a PM and I'll let you know :)

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