Static growth - mixed messages


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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My liitle'un has been suffering with static growth over the past two months or so...
Her weight is going up - last week she was 3lb 7oz, yesterdy she was 3lb 13 or 15oz, they say her tummy has the static growth but on the chart she is just above the lower level that she should be. My placenta is fine and so is my umbilical cord so she is getting nourishment from me.

One consultant is really concerned because being diabetic she should be on the bigger size and the other consultant is saying that she is just a smaller baby but is growing.

I have to have weekly doppler scans to check the umbilical cord and if she doesnt grow then i will have to be induced early, i was also told to keep an eye on her movemnts and not wait more than the 12 hours between movemnets.

Im really concerned, everything else about baby is fine she is growing shes just smaller than they would expect.

Its making me paranoid.
Awwww hun i'm sure she's fine just little, she'll probably have a major growth spurt all of a sudden and be perfectly fine. They told me my bump was small but when I went for scan she was bang on the lines so I wouldn't worry too much hun. xXx
i have had exactly the same apart from my baby is below the 10th centile so is really little i have been oing for water and doppler scans 3 times a week and growth scans every two weeks and consultant said she wants to deliver between 36 and 37 weeks so im seeing he rmonday and i'll be 36+5 so will probably be induced one day next week but it does mae you paranoid x
Don't worry Collette, you have the big growth weeks coming up now, as long as they say she is growing on the same percentile she has been even is smaller and slower growth, she is growing fine for her.

I had this problem from week 20 in my pregnancy and they had me worried at the hospital to the extend i had an amnio to check that it wasnt a chromosome problem that was making the baby measure so small

After a scan every week and a doppler scan every week ( to check the blood flow from me to baby) at 34 weeks the blood flow had decreased and they said that the baby would be delivered the next day by section, that day at the scan I was told that the baby was just under 3lb but Ellie was born the next day and was 4lb 3oz

Fx that all goes well for you xx
Im really pleased all worked out for you, thats brilliant.

Hopefully it will be the same for me too.

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