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starting weaning


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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was really hoping to make it to 6 months :( but at just a week off 5 months think christopher needs to be started :( :( :(
cant seem to settle him any more he is draining bottles and still grumping hes started waking for food in the night which hes not done since 2 months and hes raising the roof when we eat have tried everything i can think of to delay weaning but got nowhere so today at lunch time im going to start him on a few spoons of baby rice and see what happens
anybody else started before the 6 months??? am i doing the right thing???xxxxxx
hiya hun i had to wean alfie at 13 weeks, yes i know its early but he was well and truly ready for it and was always very huingry, just a couple of spoons at lunch settled him for the rest of the day! Your baby lets you know when the time is right for them. if you feel he's ready you are doing the right thing and maybe see if a couple of spoons settles him a bit. :hug: cant believe he is almost 5 months old :D
I had to start weaning my son at just over 4 months as like christopher he was just draining his bottles and there was no pleasing him. I can honestly say that I haven't looked back. He loves it and is far more settled and content in between feeds.

You know your son better than anybody hun and if you feel he needs a bit more then go ahead and give it to him. If it is any reassurance to you I read in the Annabel Karmel book that if you can't make it to 6 months as long as your little one is over 17 weeks their digestive system will be ready.

Happy weaning.........this is the fun bit! :cheer:
thanks both tried it today but it didnt go well either hes not ready or he doesnt like baby rice luke wouldnt eat baby rice when he was weaned either and we had to give him farlays rusks instead so am a bit lost now as to what to do next
do i try him again with the rice for a few days and see what happens?? or do i get him rusks and try him on them?? or
leave him for another week and try the rice again?? or
?????????? someone please help im so thick luke took to the rusks straight away and then went on to puree fruit and veg
just want to make sure i do right by my boy xxxxxxxx
Why don't you try flavouring the rice with a little bit of pureed carrot or fruit? Alex has only let me feed him twice with a spoon once at 18 weeks and once at 21 weeks, I've tried him a couple other times and he just spits it out. Now I give him stuff to gnaw on and he seems to prefer that :?
thanks kina hun i will try that 2moro :hug: never thought of that im so thick :oops: xxxxxxxxx
rach said:
thanks kina hun i will try that 2moro :hug: never thought of that im so thick :oops: xxxxxxxxx

Don't be daft, you're not thick at all :hugs If it's any consolation Alex is a gannet aswell, he's just constantly on the boob day and night.
Wow I cannot believe how quickly your wee man is growing. Like someone said, after 17 weeks babies digestive systems are developed wnough to cope with food. Don't beat yourself up about not getting to 6 months, I didn't with Seren (she was 19 weeks when I first tried her with baby rice and just over 5 months when I started weaning her properly). Like Christopher, she hated the rice so I gave up with that. I found going straight onto the veg and fruit worked for us. I used mainly baby led weaning but I know this isn't for everyone but Seren hated being fed by spoon.
You are not thick hun :hug: Sometimes I feel like I don't have a clue what am doing and I guess it's just part of motherhood theres no right or wrong cos every baby is unique. The HV told me some babies don't take to baby rice as it's quite bland like the others suggested try some puree in with it. I made a big batch of apple and pear puree and froze it in ice cube trays and just popped one out the night before to add to his rice the next morn for breakfast and he loved it!! Oh yeah as for rusks they go down a treat in our house :D
Hi rach sounds to me like you are doing the right thing, i weaned luke at just gone 5 months. just try him with different things maybe some purees on their own. i can't understand why anyone let alone babys like babyrice it is disgusting!!

try to enjoy it also this is a big milestone for our babies to go through. don't put yourself down either you are doing a great job. xx
thanks everyone :D :hug:
well i tried rice with carrot :( spat it out
gave in and made him a bit of farlays rusk he was a little unsure when i gave him the first taste then started smacking his lips then im sure if hed had any teeth he would have ate the spoon :lol: and now for the first time in 2 weeks hes stopped grumping and is having a nice peaceful nap :cheer:
think il keep him on rusks for a week and then start trying some fruit and veg purees :D
thanks everyone for your help im sure il be asking loads more questions with this weaning lol :oops:
have thought lots about the baby led weaning but to be honest it terrifies me :( my younger sister choked on some meat when she was 3 my mum managed to get it out but ive had a terrible phobia about choking ever since :( so really dont think id cope going down that route xxxxxxxx
Ellie didn't like carrot initially but she loved sweet potato. So I would try that next. Also she liked butternut squash and parsnip.
lukes not taken to baby led weaning he's not got into the mood of grasping his own food and putting it to his mouth although he loves to suck on cucumber and toast if i put it in his mouth but that defeats the object really!!

we have bought a highchair now so i might just see how he gets on with that for a while and then randomly leave some bits on the tray and see what he does - he happily will put his toys in his mouth and suck on them for hours on end!! :lol:

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