Started temping


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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I started temping this month and had all my temps in my phone I have just put them on to Fertility friend and it has told me I ovulated on 23th November but I got a smiley face on the clear blue digital ovulation kit on the 14th Nov so confused now :shock: < this is actually what I look like at the moment :)

Not sure if you will be able to see it I am not sure how to put the chart link on here.
The link only takes me to the log in page. Go to 'sharing' then click on 'setup' under where it says 'charting home page'. There is an url underneath where it says 'Your Charting Home Page Web Address'. That's the url that you need to paste into your post. Hope this makes sense! xx
:/ I can find it all until the 'Your Charting Home Page Web Address' bit I can't see it
I will keep looking not sure what I am doing wrong.
Thank you In Dreams :)
Just seen that you found it! x
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Looking at your chart it looks like you ovulated around the 23rd. Don't know what that means in regards to your OPK though. Sorry I can't help you with this bit! Hopefully someone else might have more of an idea x
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hi, opks only predicy ov by detecting the lh surge so it is possible that your body geared up to ovulate on the 14th nov but it didnt happen and then you managed to ov later in the cycle. you have definately ovulated with a clear temperature shift so dont worry. chart looks good.
Looking at your chart it looks like you ovulated around the 23rd. Don't know what that means in regards to your OPK though. Sorry I can't help you with this bit! Hopefully someone else might have more of an idea x

hi, opks only predicy ov by detecting the lh surge so it is possible that your body geared up to ovulate on the 14th nov but it didnt happen and then you managed to ov later in the cycle. you have definately ovulated with a clear temperature shift so dont worry. chart looks good.

Brilliant thanks ladies, I just wanted to know if it was 23rd. I am just glad I put all my temps on to it to see what it said as the app on my phone has said it was 23rd as well I have got so confused, so I was 2ww-ing for no reason :wall2: right lets try again :dance:
Well you're already 10 days into your 2ww, nearly time to start testing! x
I did a test on friday morning think I was over my 2ww and it was BFN so I doubt I am.

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