Staring, Does It Irritate You?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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I was in the bank the other day and this really sweet little girl was in the queue in from of me with her nan. The girl looked about 5 or 6. Anyway some bloke (middle aged, a bit grubby looking) was standing at the counter. He kept turning around staring at the child, while he was being served. It was probably very innocent, but I think adults shouldn't stare like that, especially at little ones.
He then looked at me and I admit, I gave him the dirtiest look. After this he stopped staring. He gawped at my bump though after I passed him on my way out (yep he got another evil from me) as he had to go and sit down and wait to be seen by someone else.

I do wish people wouldn't blatently stare, it can really get my back up :roll:
if someone stares at me i always think i have somethin on my face haha :oops: :lol:
Im nosey...

And look at people

but dont stare!

It really is rude
awww it really bugs me but i cant keep my gob shut, i always say somthing like...."yer, do i know you"...or "do i owe you something" or i smile and stare at them or i have even been known to wave and stick my tongue out!
People stare when I go out with my brother and sister cos they have downs. It really p*sses me off so much.. Its like.. yes they've got Downs do you honestly need to take that long to look?...

I often stare back and give them dirty looks... or I will get up and walk between their line of sight and my siblings and give the evil eye or blatentley walk up to them and say I can offer them an 8 by 10 glossy and it will last a lot longer than staring like the village idiot at my siblings... they usually splutter something and then just look ashamed with themselves.. and so they f+++ing should.. :x :x :x :x :x :x

I'm sorry to say its one of the reasons I hate going to ex pat areas because they seem to stare more than Spaniards- :(
If I see someone staring at me I stare back at them till they look away lol 8)
I hate people that stare!!! I usually do the whole, "can I help you?", "do you want a picture?" "Would you like a side of fries with my clearly mouth-watering face?"

Grrr really annoys me, there is no need for it, it's just plain rude!
I always feel like people are staring when really they probably arn't but I HATE whispering!!!! I know when someone is commenting on me or my boyfriend and if they are then I will watch them and smile to let them know I'm not stupid and they should grow the hell up. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh whispering makes me angry.
Gingercubes said:
I always feel like people are staring when really they probably arn't but I HATE whispering!!!! I know when someone is commenting on me or my boyfriend and if they are then I will watch them and smile to let them know I'm not stupid and they should grow the hell up. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh whispering makes me angry.

Whispering and tutting. I hate tutters. If you have a problem at least have the balls to voice it, not just tut.

*tut* :roll:

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