sssssoooooo cross!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2010
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advanced apoligies! :roll:

my doctors still dont even have my cd 1 results back and i had those on the 25th of bl**dy jan!!! :mad:

As if all the waiting :clock: for the right time of cycle and stuff like that isnt bad enough i now an waiting for the hospital to pull their finger out of their........:clock:

I really cant see how it can take THAT long to process simple bloods! its not like they dont do it everyday!:mad:

sorry for the rant im just sooo angry with them!!!:wall:
Hi Hun,

That doesn't make sense, my bloods come back in 1-2 days!

I'd call again, good luck.

Yeh that's really strange, I would have thought the results would have been back long ago :hug:
That's too long - for any bloods! The lab proccess bloods within a matter of hours. That doesnt mean the results are given in a matter of hours btw but they should be given to you within a few days. Call again, tell them this is not good enough x
Bloods at my Drs Surgery take 7-10 days. Its because Leeds hospital are so busy and back logged :( I guess everywhere is different. x
Well the hospital told me they would be 5-7 days so rung the dr on friday just gone as that was a week after 21 day bloods they said no ring monday so rung and a different receptionist said that my hospital are really bad at sending results back so she was going to ring them and get back to me later today or tomorrow morning. So annoying though cos this is just putting me further back for everything else!!
I would ring your surgery back now before they close & see if she has chased them up - just to remind them :) I'm always ringing for test results as part of my job so I'm forever chasing the surgeries up as they say they will call the lab & get back to you - then 'forget' keep chasing them hun xx
I know how u feel... got bloods done on 11th feb. I rang today and they are still not in. My form said 7-10 day wait and the surgery said today that the labs are taking 10 working days :-(
Jeez! That's disgusting how long some of your Docs take!! Mine wer taken on Friday and I got my results back on Tuesday! I would have had them back earlier if it wasn't for the weekend! X
Fx you get them back very soon and that they are ok! X

I could actually cry today! rung the dr and they have told me that the hospital said that there were insufficiant details on the actual for so they couldnt send them back cos they only had my name no surgery details!! so now ive got to wait to start them all again!!!! im sooooooo fuming and just want to cry!!!!
Thats totally crap! you would think these dumbos would know how to fill out a simple form, no wonder you are angry. Make a complaint

Incompetent so and so's!!!!!!!!!!!!!
angry really isnt the word at the moment!!!!! thing is the doctor even checked them before she gave them to me as she was a locum and wouldnt be back, she said i want to make sure these have printed off correctly as its a long process, so it must be the hospitals mess up! i could scream!!!!!!!
Ohh hun I'm sorry!!

Doctors phhfftt!! Who needs them!!!!

There worse than bloody google!

its a joke! maye i will just google it might get more answers!!
Nightmare Kirlou :(

They have no idea what impact their carelessness has on real people...
they dont and thats the annoying part! and they dont even apoligise they just skirt around it!

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