SSRI - Anti-depressants


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
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hi lovely ladies,

we had a thread going on here re: ssri's as a few of us have been trying to get off them with a lot of difficulty. I am happy to say that after 2 weeks of withdrawal hell i feel much better. Now I'm trying to do something to publicise this awful withdrawal syndrome, that the drug companies 'conveniently' forget to include on their literature.

Yesterday I sent the below article to 12 national magazine editors, I know you probaly think i am mad but I had to try and do something about this!!!

My name is Kate, I am 26 years old, newly married and I work with autistic adults. Two weeks ago today I stopped taking the SSRI antidepressants that I had been on for 5 years.

Since then, I have endured sheer physical hell. This is the hell they call 'SSRI Withdrawal Syndrome'.

I am writing to you because I am very, very angry with the drug companies who produce this drug, at the lack of information there is about this syndrome and it's effects, and at the medical professionals who so readily prescribe this drug without fully informing their patients of the problems they may encounter. I am writing to you because I passionately believe that the public, especially your target readership, need to know about this not-uncommon syndrome so that they make an informed choice of the drugs they are medicated with. And I am writing to you in the hope that I can prevent even a few people from suffering the way I have.

SSRI Withdrawal Syndrome (ref: Wikepedia. ... n_syndrome)

symptoms include;

electric shock sensations in the brain
tremor and confusion
The only treatment for this syndrome is the re-introduction of the drug. This is apparently a 'non-addictive' drug, but if people are suffering so badly when withdrawing from it, so much so that they have to begin taking it again, you can draw your own conclusion as to whether it is addictive or not.

Hundreds of thousands of people are prescribed these drugs every year, without being given the full story on what they might go through when they try to stop the medication. Having been on these drugs, and being told to taper of the 'slowly' over a 3-4 week period (which is what I did) and given no warning of this syndrome I researched on the internet and found hundreds upon hundreds of people in a similar situation to me, leaving desperate posts in the hope that someone can give them more information. This is not an issue with my local health service, this is an international problem which needs to be publicised before more people suffer.

An important point - The symptoms of this awful syndrome can be minimised and even eliminated by the coming off the drug at a much, much slower rate than is advised by both the drug company and the medical profession. This information desperately needs to be publicised.

I can easily see how this syndrome could contribute to and cause suicidal feelings and even the act itself. Please help me to prevent this by publishing some information about this syndrome, how to minimise the suffering, and to inform the public about this powerful 'wonder' drug.

I look forward to hearing form you,

That's brilliant! I hope you get a good response from them and I'm pleased you are feeling over the withdrawal phase :hug:
thanks M & Ms, I can't believe it i've just had an email from the news editor at Cosmopolitan mag, she's taking it to her editor next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance:
Thats great hun, glad you are feeling better now :hug:
Glad you're feeling better Kate.

Of course, the drugs companies and health care professionals will all come back and say that going cold turkey isn't advised. That information is widely available also. I chose to go cold turkey though, and in a way I'm glad I did. It's pretty unpleasant, but at least you know where you're going with it.

I agree more support is needed. I think people should be encouraged to come off SSRI's under medical supervision, as with any other drug.....

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
HI Sue,

How are you going with it all at the mo?

The thing is, I didn't come off it cold turkey - I did the 3-4 week withdrawal as recommended by the drug company and my doc, and still suffered terribly. Then I went on-line and found hundreds of people in exactly the same position. That is what I'm so angry about - these drugs need a much longer weaning time than is currently being recommended. Anyway I'll get off my soap box, before I go on and on and on :lol:

Hope you're ok hun, am always here if you need a chat :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks Kate :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I'm OK, a bit all over the place but I'm coping OK. It's been a week now since my last tablet so I'm hoping I'm half way there. Luckily I haven't had the 'brain zaps' as such, but I have had the vertigo and dizziness. I've also been a bit 'tingly'.

So glad you're feeling better though. I really hope you can get your letter published!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks sweetie, me too :)

Sorry to hear you are still suffering, I reckon you are probably over the worst now. I know what you mean about the vertigo and dizziness, they were horrible.

Just be so proud of yourself for doing it - you should be. it's such a hard thing to do xxxx

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