Squeamish men!


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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My hubby has gone all squeamish about me giving birth, not sure what his mates have been telling him but he recons it will be some massive disguting poo, wee, vomit and blood filled festival! What is really odd is he's not squeamish about anything normally, a typical ex military, rugby playing type, so duno why he's suddenly being 'funny' about it and just makes vomiting actions whenever I mention giving birth, or mentions the water birth debris net! He's says there's no way he's cutting the cord and will def be staying at my head end (which is a good thing for me!) thought he'd want to cut cord though! He's never even seen a film of a women giving birth but won't when I suggested it, I think he's perhaps a bit old fashioned and would rather just be waiting outside then given the baby once it's all clean!

Just not sure how to tackle all this with him, he's so excited about everything else and we can talk about everything normally but this has kind of got me stumped as I want support from him and worried how he'll be, maybe the jokes will just go once it happens for real and he'll just get on with doing his job!
I think once the adrenaline and excitement of the situation kicks in when your in labour and he realises he will meet his baby I reckon any squeamishness will go straight out the window and curiosity will take over!! Mine says he wants to be head end and have nothing to do with the cord, but then admitted recently that in the heat of the moment he will probably not be able to resist getting right involved in the 'action' end!
lol my hubby was a bit weird about cutting the cord but I've told him he has to - if I have to go through all that he's got to do something a little bit gross too. happy for him to stay at the head end if he wants tho :p

I'm actually a bit gutted that I have to stay at the head end, have a weird curiosity about these things and have told OH not to let them dispose of the placenta without letting me see it! I know I'll prob be too interested in my new baby at that point however think it will be ace to see the organ that has acted as a conduit between me and baby for 9 months, effectively keeping him alive, and something that will regrow if its needed again too!
My husband didn't want to be there he was that squeemish. I told him in a hormonal state if he wasn't there then not to be at home when I got back, no suprise he was there lol he did fantastic he was supportive and I know at one point a little pale but not once did he leave my side or complain. If you ask him now being there was amazing and he is so glad he was. He stayed at the top and didn't want to cut the cord but he said even at the top he saw more than he liked. He won't cut the cord with this one but he's excited about being there.
awww i reckon when it is actually happening he will get involved and would be proud to cut the cord etc! it is intresting to hear what his mates have said though?! but the last thing you need is his gestures of vomiting xxx
They'll change their mind!
My hubby was determined to stay well away from the business end with No1 but ended up telling me " I can see the head" and cutting the cord when the time came!:)
Yes, some of it is messy, bloody etc.... But at the end of the day the fact that it's their child being born takes over and they do rise to the occasion :)
Mine didn't want to cut the cord and tbh I didn't want him either. He was staying at the head but looked in the wrong direction when I was given an episiotomy and went pale aftercwhich doctor told him to sit down. But he was very supportive although I could see he felt a bit helpless.
He will probably be fine at the birth but if he wants to wait in the other room, I would give him the option tbh. For some men it can be traumatic
Thanks girls, hopefully he will man-up and get on with it once all the excitement of labour starts! Think he's winding me up a bit as well! He will be punched if I get the pretend vomiting while I'm going through labour lol!
I agree once the excitement kicks in and the protective side of him kicks in when ur in pain he won't even care about all the crap his mates have told him..
Next time he makes comments about birth just say your the one doing it not him and he's supposed to make u reassured and comfy with the birth idea not make u worried how he will be.. You gotta concentrate on u and baby not daddy passing out lol!
I wish my OH was a bit more squeamish! He said I shouldn't be bothered if I do a poo, and he said he wants to watch everything happening! He wants to watch the head coming out and everything! I told him he's going to be scarred for life but he doesn't care! He definitely wants to cut the cord too, he said he wants to be a part of such a big moment, when our baby stops being connected to me!

The other night my oh threw up when he saw a photo of a newborn :( doesn't bode well really. I can see me getting off the table and trying to bring him round on the floor lol xxxxxxxx
The other night my oh threw up when he saw a photo of a newborn :( doesn't bode well really. I can see me getting off the table and trying to bring him round on the floor lol xxxxxxxx

Actually threw up??
Was the newborn all gooey etc or clean n clothed??
The baby was actually quite bloody and slimey, but he used to have horses which he had seen give birth so to be honest he has seen much worse that that pic, and yes bless him he really did throw up :(
Omg! :shock: I hope you have someone else as your birthing partner to help your OH! :lol:

that's nuts! How can he watch horses give birth but a pic of a newborn can make him physically sick?!
Lmao I think it's less about the baby being covered in blood than him knowing he's gonna be bled dry until the baby's wedding day :lol: xxxxxxxxx
Mines was the same Sarah but changed his mind when I was in labour, he didn't particularly want to look down there but didn't get an option when MW forced him to hold my feet (there was only 1 mw in room at the time), I will never forget the look on his face, I was like nooooo I dont want him to and she kept saying shhhhhh its ok ect loooooool - He ended up he did cut the chord but he had to go out for a smoke every time needles were mentioned as he feels like he wants to physically vomit at the mere mention of a jag.

I actually feel sorry for guys alot of the time, I dont think i'd mind if OH wanted to sit outside for a bit, as long as he's in for baby actually coming out.

Babybrain can't believe your OH threw up at a newborn! Lol!

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