Spotty face


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Connie keeps getting a dry spotty face. Anything I can do about it? We had to use a baby wipe when she puked all over herself last week while we out which started the spots off but now they won't go. I don't really want to put anything on her face that might agravate it more. Thought sudocream might help????
Could it be a milk rash? Maia got this really bad her skin got loads of little spots on it some just under the surface and some on top with white heads then it went really rough like sand paper. Health visitor said i could use e 45 or just leave it. I left it and it went but kept coming back then it started mingling into her cradle cap on her scalp. I was using olive oil on her head but It started to get worse and she was itching it so i took her to the doc who prescribed a cream made from wheat called aveeno its made by johnson and johnson. it cleared up all her face and scalp in days, would definitely recommend it.
My nephew used to use Aveeno and I agree it is very good. When my LO had a persistent rash and cradle cap from 3-7 weeks old I put lansinoh on the cradle cap- (sticky but it works!) and used a combination of olive oil and avent magic cream on the rash. It cleared up quickly once I used this combo.
The doc said it's mild ecsma (sp?) so has given me some cream.

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