

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2012
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Hi all, I just found out on Thursday that I'm pregnant. I'm in total shock as it's taken us nearly 4 years and 3 rounds of ivf. Any way earlier on and went to the loo and had dark brown stains in my pants (sorry it's gross I no!) and when I wiped there was some too. That was about 3 hours and iv had nothing since but I'm petrified. I have had lower back ache for the last few days too. Has any one else has this?? I'm so scared xx
Its probably old implantation bleed....try not to worry. If u get red blood then call the Dr. Xx
Thanks milly, iim just hoping and praying it doesn't get any worse but I'm just going to have to relax and take it easy xx
Hey hunnie, I hope that you're okay? This happened to me last night...was just a tiny bit and then when I wiped. It didn't get any worse overnight. Today it occurred again, but still a small amount. I got an appointment with the Doc this morning and she felt around my tummy and said it all felt soft as it should so she ruled out an ectopic pregnancy. She said that she doesn't think that I'm at risk of miscarriage and that it may well be old blood, but she did give me the spiel about potential miscarriage that she said that she had to tell me. I wish she hadn't. Anyhoo, here's hoping that it's just old blood for us both/implantation bleeding and that all will be fine. :hug: x
Hello everyone I have experienced this since Sunday and I'm getting more and more worried. I am experiencing cramping pains and brown discharge. I am 9+5 weeks pregnant. but when I went to the doctors last week and she felt my tummy she said my tummy was soft too! If this is the worry you get becoming a mum it's going to get a whole lot worse when the baby arrives lol!

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