Spotting... when do you worry?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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I've started spotting, its not loads its mostly just when i wipe, but this is the first time this has ever happened to me, i am so worried and everyone at the doctors seems so relaxed about it all, and they havent settled any of my worries, they have booked me in for a scan to check the baby is still alive but this isnt til wednesday, they are going to make me wait for 3 days to see whether my worries are right or not?!?! I have 0- blood so i thought i might at least need an anti d injection incase... but no one seems to be concerned!! has this happened to anyone else??
Is this normal? i havent ever experienced it but i have known ppl who have... i am just so scared and worried that something might be wrong and no one is reacting quickly enough... :(

I am not as far as you and this is my first time but I have read lots and lots about this.

I had spotting last week like you only when I wipe.
From what I have read you should only really worry if your getting bad period like cramps while bleeding other than that its all very normal.
I hope the scan goes well hunny andI know its so worrying and scary but I am sure you will be just fine x

Hope this helps abit :angel:
Hi hun, I know 2 of my friends both had spotting throughout the 1st trimester so dont worry too much as this stage (I know its hard.) My doctor said to me that spots were usually fairly normal but to get it checked out anyway which you are. I think its not good when clots etc happen but keep positive hunny xxxxx

I'm in the same situation as you and it is really frustrating as no one seems to be that concerned with me either.

I have had spotting, mainly when i wipe. I have had two scans since this and all seems to be well, can still see a heartbeat - So try not to worry yourself to much. With me they just cant explian why it is happening which is worrying for me with three previous miscarriges.

However this spotting is not like before - So fingers crossed!!

I would ask for the anti D injection. I am 10 weeks and plan to get this tomorrow if continue to spot.

I had bleeding when i was about 16 weeks and they didn't seem to care! It was quite heavy but I was told as long as you aren't having bad cramp and as long as the blood isn't bright red or clots then you should be ok. Mine was put down to cervical erosion but I never knew for sure.
Hiya Lyn

It's so hard not too worry isn't it? - But hopefully we can offer you some reassurance.

I had spotting at approx 9 weeks. It was only when I wiped and was more pink in colour than red...But I was frightened all the same.
I had a scan the next day and all was fine...I'm sure everything will be fine when you are scanned too, especially as you are now over 12 weeks.
Bleeds like this are more often than not down to hormonal changes and are nothing to be alarmed about. Most causes of bleeds in pregnancy remain unknown.

As you have O Negative blood (as I do) it is unlikely that you will be given an Anti D shot for the type of bleeding you have described, as you will have been little potential f exposure to your baby's blood - but ask about it at your next appointment if it is worrying you. Usually the injection is given within 72 hours after any potential exposure to your baby's blood (the protection will last for 12 weeks).

Hope this helps
I am really worried as i too have started to spot. It started 2 days ago and is only when I wipe and is a pinky kind of discharge. I am 10 weeks and the spotting started ironically just after I had my first scan and the heartbeat was fine then. I have had a miscarriage before and did have spotting when I was pregnant with my youngest son. I am frightened to do anything and would feel better if I was out of my first trimester.

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