Spotting in tri 1 - would love to hear your positive stories!


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2011
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Hi lovely tri 3 ladies!:wave:

Hope you don't mind, but just thought I'd come to you for a bit of reasurrance as you're nearly at the finish line...!

I've been having brown, light spotting since I got my BFP 2 weeks ago. Had early scan this Thursday at 5 + 5 and saw a heartbeat and was told everything looked fine, which was amazing. However, the spotting has got heavier today and has turned more brownish red, so I'm panicking a bit.

Alot of the girls in tri 1 say spotting is normal, but I was hoping to hear some positive stories from ladies who had spotting issues and who are now in tri 3...

Thanks so much :) xxxxx
Hi hun, i had bleeding about 6 weeks, it was brown blood and im still here :) Good luck ive been there and know how scary it is xxx
Good to hear as i've been spotting for about 2 weeks now... but no cramps or anything.... doc and midwife reckon all is ok.. so i'm doing my best not to worry... big hugs to you ceebee xx
I had spotting in tri1 at 9 weeks and it was brown too, went away, had a scan and all was ok. Hope your ok, tri1 is really horrible but you will get through it :hugs: xx
I bled - not in first trimester though, was at 18 weeks and baby was absolutely fine. Went on to have a beautiful baby boy :)
I spotted for about 5 days at 6-7 weeks, had a scan and all was ok.
I didn't have spotting but did have a bleed at 11 weeks and all was fine- and that was proper red blood xx

Try not to worry honey, though I know it's easier said than done
I had red spotting and pains at 8 weeks. Was taken into hospital with suspected ectopic and we are still here. Hope everything is ok for you xx
Hey hon, tri hopping here but don't lose hope. I started bleeding heavily at about 5 weeks and was told I had lost my little cub but needed a scan to double check at 6 weeks. Sure enough there was a little heartbeat. I bled and th continued to spot past 8 weeks. I now have a gorgeous, healthy and happy 5 week old boy xxxxx
I had spotting at 6 weeks and I'm here now. It's a terrible feeling when you see it, try not to worry but I know how hard that is xxxx
i had spotting at 12 weeks!i got told if it wasnt accompanied by heavy cramping then its fine :)

I have had bleeding throughout my pregnancy, passing clots and having bright red bleeds and sometimes brown ones. They don't know what caused it and kept a close eye on my. They should keep an eye on your hormone levels and scan you more regular. Hope it all works out for you
Thank you so much ladies for your stories :) it does help to know you can have spotting and still end up ok, but there's still a lot of 'what ifs' going on in my mind right now. Spotting has gone lighter today and turned back to dark brown, so that's encouraging anyway :) I'm going to get down my docs tomorrow morning and see what they will do for me...

Once again, thanks for your support and I wish you all lots of luck and happiness for the rest of your pregnancies and the arrivals of your much longed for little ones :love:xxxxxxxxx
If an early scan picks up a heartbeat then the chance of carrying healthily to full term goes right up to 97% hun. Try not to stress over everything, the hormones do your head in enough. :hug: Good luck xxxxxxxxx
This is true and it rules out ectopic also, the bleeding can come from something unrelated to pregnancy. I noticed mine appeared to happen more as I noticed hormonal changes like when I felt sick/ being sick or if I noticed baby had a growth spurt.
aww good luck im sure its all fine :) enjoy the journey :)

If an early scan picks up a heartbeat then the chance of carrying healthily to full term goes right up to 97% hun. Try not to stress over everything, the hormones do your head in enough. :hug: Good luck xxxxxxxxx

This is true and it rules out ectopic also, the bleeding can come from something unrelated to pregnancy. I noticed mine appeared to happen more as I noticed hormonal changes like when I felt sick/ being sick or if I noticed baby had a growth spurt.

Thanks girls - Babybrain, I had heard that percentage before, so I hope it's right... Rosey, that's true it may be hormonal - I'm feeling mega sick right now, so all sorts of weird things are going on I guess...

Thanks for the support :) xxxx

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