Spotting brown 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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I had backache this am and I have been retching as normal, backache gone but now I have brown spotting. This is so hard because it is the same point at which I spotted with my mc 2 years ago. I can't cope with this worry, at work and can't concentrate on anything so so scared.. It's taken me over 3 years and failed IVF to get here and this can't be over please no.

I daren't take another test I just could not face faint lines or negatives
I am going to have to wait but how do I get through whilst waiting!!

Lou x
Oh Lou thinking of you! I really hopr this is just late ib! It's a very good sign it is brown! Could you get bloods done? Xxxx
Big hugs to you Lou, I hope things are ok with you and the spotting has eased.
hey love :hugs:

In a recent case where I was waiting and bleeding I would suggest getting your bloods done. It was a waiting nightmare and I was actually only waiting 4 days in total.

I did spot early on as well up until like 12 weeks with my first pregnacy however I understand with previous losses how worried you must be.

Ring EPU and ask them to do your bloods 48h apart and when you get to 7w if your still bleeding request an early scan. Unfortunately they usually dont scan before that. Your practice nurse can do your bloods too - I just phoned mine this morning and made a direct appointment with her no problem.

Good luck sweets!

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Iv had bleeding all through the starr of the pregnancy. Only 11 weeks and had 4 scans already, no explanation for it but still panic everytime.
Spotting seems to have stopped for now... Done a frer with dilute urine and it's darker than control line and digi says 2-3 weeks which fits as conception was probably around the 11th sept and again I had only held my bladder for 2 hours this afternoon.

Do you think this sounds ok? I still have backache on and off and weird cramping/twinges in abdomen?

Thank you for replying ladies it really helps xxx
Spotting seems to have stopped for now... Done a frer with dilute urine and it's darker than control line and digi says 2-3 weeks which fits as conception was probably around the 11th sept and again I had only held my bladder for 2 hours this afternoon.

Do you think this sounds ok? I still have backache on and off and weird cramping/twinges in abdomen?

Thank you for replying ladies it really helps xxx

I would say its just old implantation blood. Thats what mine was put down to it was like brown old blood on and off with CM. sometimes lighter.

Backpain and cramps are fine at this stage too I felt constant twinges and niggling like dull in the background.

Alot of changes going on in there uterus growing. Baby is growing and burying deeper.

Sounds ok to me too. If the blood continues and or pain amps up call EPU.

Thank you Hun x backache quite bad with odd cramps tonight but no more brown discharge when I wipe. Yes it's so hard after a loss especially when it occurred at this point last time. Today has been awful.... I am pregnant I should be jumping for joy but i am just so scared of losing it!!! We have a scan on the 13th oct I just need to get through until then!! Xxx

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