Spotting @27 weeks


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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Last night and early this morning i had some slight spotting when i wipe,

:oops: obviously im concerned, has anyone else had any spotting this late in pregnancy...

Just contacted midwife and she cant see me until 15th may, so going to contact the ward and see what they say..
Sorry i cant help hun, got to hospital and get a scan done is my advise

hope all is ok

:hug: :hug:

just got off phone and got a right telling off :oops:

should have contacted them yesterday, so i have to go and probably will scan me as well...

will update later when i get back! :hug:
Hope everything is ok hun :hug: :hug: :hug: . Its hard not to worry I know.
Take care
Good luck i hope you are ok, please let us know :hug: xx
Goodluck! :hug:

hope everythings ok - i 'spotted' a few times right up till about 27 wks - it turned out to be just a cervix errossion. Nothing to worry about.

Hope everything is as ok for you :hug:
Sorry to read about your spotting Fiona. I hope you can get it sorted at the hospital. Please let us all know how you get on.


Fiona is staying in tonight, they put her on a moniter to listen and watch what baby is up to,

showing contractions every 12 mins or so, so they want to keep an eye on her

she isnt dilating so that is good news!

baby is being good, heartbeat is 138-169 bpm

Scan showed she is right on cue at 27 weeks and 4 days, placenta is bleeding slighty but after previous worries they expected it to happen

Thats it i think
sunshinestars said:
Last night and early this morning i had some slight spotting when i wipe,

:oops: obviously im concerned, has anyone else had any spotting this late in pregnancy...

Just contacted midwife and she cant see me until 15th may, so going to contact the ward and see what they say..

TBH i would have thought after your scare a few weeks back you would have taken it more easy sunshine.
this spotting is a warning to maybe put your feet up and relax more.
:hug: i hope you don't think im miss bossy boots mother hen but i am :rotfl:

get your feet up and rest! and thats an order
budge said:
sunshinestars said:
Last night and early this morning i had some slight spotting when i wipe,

:oops: obviously im concerned, has anyone else had any spotting this late in pregnancy...

Just contacted midwife and she cant see me until 15th may, so going to contact the ward and see what they say..

TBH i would have thought after your scare a few weeks back you would have taken it more easy sunshine.
this spotting is a warning to maybe put your feet up and relax more.
:hug: i hope you don't think im miss bossy boots mother hen but i am :rotfl:

get your feet up and rest! and thats an order

no budge its ok, i was taking it easy honest :oops:

all has stopped now, things looking good again...

and yes dont worry im resting now..

thanks again girls for your upmost advice on this terrible pregnancy once again :hug:

god cant wait till hes here.. little shit he is.. :rotfl:
neeko_1 said:
god cant wait till hes here.. little sh*t he is.. :rotfl:

oh well that's not nice :eek:

after what he is putting me through, i think to say that is fair on me....

i feel bad enough about this pregnancy already, i have been through so much in the last 5 months, more than most ppl have in 3 pregnancys..

my baby, hes a little shit and i stick to my word!!!!!
Aww hun i'm glad everything is alrite. Hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly.

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