

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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This is quite depressing but even though I've been very lucky with no nausea this pregnancy, my face has been slowly filling with spots. It's quite sore and is starting to make me feel a bit crap. Also I'm getting worried that it will develop into full-on acne and leave me scarred.

Does anyone have any good remedies?

Ooooh that was weird, I was going to make a post tonight about the same thing!

I've been getting quite a few spots too and I hate it :( Usually when I get spots I use an exfoliator, a good face wash and a face mask and my skin feels loads better but I dunno if I'll get the same results now that Im pregnant, the spots will probably just keep on coming :(

I really feel like crap at the minute, the only time I get dressed nicely and actually make an effort is when we go out shopping on a weekend :oops:
i was exactly the same in first tri. TBH im the same in the second too..! :twisted: hate it - its like time of the month constantly.
i didnt get any nausier either - and with the storys ive heard- spots aint that bad. Its just luck of the draw hunnie, hope they go away for you in 2nd tri. :)
I've been getting spots all around my mouth!!! Never suffered in my previous pregnancies, give em a good sqeeeeeeeeeze!!!!!! :puke:
I bet your having boys!!! :wink:

I have had ACNE from day one of my pregnancy and I have NEVER suffered with spots :x They are SO painful and red, and sore.

The good news is, after the 1st trimester they should get better, mine did, but havent gone away totally yet.

Im a beauty therapist and my advice is NOT TO PICK THEM as you will get scars, cleanse, tone and use a light oil free moisturiser twice a day and use a face mask, prefably one containing a clay base to dry out the spots, twice a week. Exfoliating lightly once a week will help the cell turnover too.

Its miserable, but you can improve the damn things by doing the above, if you stick to a good routine AND use decent products.
JaidyBaby said:
I bet your having boys!!! :wink:

I have had ACNE from day one of my pregnancy and I have NEVER suffered with spots :x They are SO painful and red, and sore.

The good news is, after the 1st trimester they should get better, mine did, but havent gone away totally yet.

Im a beauty therapist and my advice is NOT TO PICK THEM as you will get scars, cleanse, tone and use a light oil free moisturiser twice a day and use a face mask, prefably one containing a clay base to dry out the spots, twice a week. Exfoliating lightly once a week will help the cell turnover too.

Its miserable, but you can improve the damn things by doing the above, if you stick to a good routine AND use decent products.

Oooh I didnt know you were a beauty therapist!! Which products are good? Stuff like clearasil (sp?) tends to make my skin worse :(
I bet your having boys!!!

That's so funny you shoudl say that Jade - it feels like it's a boy this time as the pregnancy has been SOOO different from my last!

Anyway thanks for the tip.

I had nausea last time and it was grim. But I feel so self conscious. I'm not vain and I've never worn makeup and don't want to start now, but I feel like people are staring at them when they are talking to me :(!

Hope it passes soon for us all!!

I had really bad acne when I was on the DEPO provera shot, a common side effect of progesterone, which is also why you get them in pregnancy. MIne are flaring up again now. I found that the only products that helped me were the Dermologica anti-bac range. Its quite expensive but goes a really long way so it doesn't work out too bad in the end. It's cheapest from

P.S. and its designed for adult skin, not teenagers like clearasil, so is a lot kinder to your skin. (I was told by a beauty therapist when using clearasil that I may end up looking red faced like a farmers wife as its so astringent!)
Thanks Tick-Tock

I used to be on the depo injection as well and got a spotty back for the first year or so!

OMG I hope these spots don't stay with me for anywhere near that long :shock:

I am suffering terribly with spots this time as well.

I don't remember getting them with my 2 boys, but I definitely did when pg with dd, so hoping this may be a sign it's another girl.

I have read somewhere recently that there are actually no specific symptoms for boys and girls generally, but in one person you may get the same symptoms. For example, if you got morning sickness when pg with a girl, you are likely to get it again if having another girl. But another person can get sickness with boys. Does this make sense??

Sorry to go a bit off topic.

I hate these spots. I haven't suffered this bad since I was a teenager (apart from when having dd).

Heather x
I have got awful skin at the moment too.... glad I am not the only one.

Enormous spots all round my mouth that just seem to come out of no where (nothing to vesuvius in a matter of hours!)

Hope it clears up at the end of tri 1 ..........

used to have acne in my early 20's (never as a teenager), there is nothing worse than everyone staring at your spots when you are talking to them.... will ask for some more stuff from the doctor when I go....
i do suffer with spots anyway but i have definatley noticed an increase since i discovered i was pregnant. and they say your supposed to glow lol

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