

Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
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Hey Everyone,

I have noticed some wierd lumpy painful spots developing in the right hand side of my face around my temple. I dont usually get spots so I will admit this is very odd, also I have on the odd accasion been getting tooth ache in the right hand side of my mouth leading to some mild earache in my right ear.

I should point out that I never get any of these things usually so this is all very strange. Could be related to my pregnancy? I am roughly 8 weeks.

thanks x :wave:
Hurrah PG crap skin, I got it last time and Im already getting it again, all round my chin and forehead. I normally have clear skin but the hormones can do two things either if your spotty normally it can make you skin nice and clear, or like you and me it makes it spotty and greasy. Dont worry I found last time that after pregnancy my skin went back to normal.

Also I am suffering form earache which makes my ear feel like it is popped all the time. Aparently this is also pregnancy related, and caused by hormones ralaxing the sinuses so they sort of cave in.

Fun isnt it! :lol:
i suffer with really bad skin in pregnancy get some sudocreme it works wonders rub it on before bed skin will be a lot clearer next morning :D
My skin goes from being a spotty mess to quite nice, then the following week it;s back to a spotty mess, ahhh the joys eh!
ahh!! I hate spots and these are big and painful too, I think I will invest in some sudocream later today! thanks everyone!
Hey still suffering with bad acne at 24 weeks and I dont think its going anywhere!! Its nasty, cos pre-pregnancy I had such clear skin grrrrr
I've got really big hard spots on the right hand side of my face. I hate having bad skin, mine gets so bad during pregnancy :wall:
my backs got alot of spots and its drving me nuts!!!! cause they wont go. i cant wait till madis born so i can get some anti biotics from the docs
:evil: Evil hormones...

Have developed horrid acne, really makes you miserable ON TOP of the weepy hormones...

Why didn't I try to get PG sooner? It's such a joy! Acne, hormones, aches and pains (without pain relief)... This baby better be worth it :wink:

Hadn't heard about sudocrem, will purchase immediately!

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