I'm in chuffing agony :(


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Thankfully nothing baby related (unless bubs has taken up residence in my head) but either I have horrendous toothache from my bloody evil tooth that I'm going to smash out with a hammer soon, or for some reason, I had really bad flu symptoms 2 days ago, which went really quickly, only to be replaced by fooking evil earache :( :(
So, either my ear is agony (feels full of wax, but it isn't, there's just so much pressure build up behind my ear drum :( I can't hear a blumming thing out of it either) or my tooth is :roll:

Poor DH is pretty sick of me I reckon - if I'm not whinging about my acid reflux or being kicked in the ribs, it's now toothache or earache.

I'm just a barrel of laughs at the minute!
:hug: :hug: :hug: You havent got an ear infection have you hun. I would pop to the docs if it persists.

I know what you mean about your OH, mine is probably sick of hearing about my crappy hips and heartburn too.
I had toothache in my last pregnancy...i too thought it was earache...you poor love i really feel for you :hug: As soon as i popped i had the tooth removed...whoever said its rubbish that you don't loose a tooth per child is lying i've lost 3 now.....coould be worse could be five.
I did resort to painkillers in the end i was in so much agony :shock:
u poor thing.. i had an ear infection just before xmas.. then a couple of weeks ago i had toothache.. there is nothing worse..

Can u not go to the out of hours doctors ? Best to get checked out.
Tooth problems can cause earache, so it may be connected. Get thee to a dentist asap!

In the meantime a hot water bottle to the side of your face/ear will help sooth it also.
hope you get something sorted soon, get yourself to the docs in the morning if you haven't seen one b4 then, sounds horrible.

:hug: :hug:
Had an awfulnight :(
Was writhing around in agony - took loads of paracetamol (forgot about the 4 hour rule, so pretty much OD'd :shock: ) which did nothing.
DH tried to get me to A+E 3 times but I felt like a prat so wouldn't go.
Called the Dr's this morning, thatnkfully our practice is amazing and they had a slot for me first thing.
They couldn't say for sure whether it was just my ear or my tooth or both (will need an xray at the dentists once bubs is here) but she said there is abit of wax in there (my ears have always been bad at draining so I knew that) which she syringed out,that was fun, Not!!
They don't think it's an ear infection as there was no redness so that's one less drug for me to take :lol:

It's still really sore, but not as bad as last night thank God - I even said to DH that I would have much rather been in labour... my tooth is now hurting :roll: this LO is going to come out addicted to paracetamol :(
Hope you feel better soon! I know what you mean about feeling like you're always moaning about something., I'm really aware of it too and really try hard not to moan too much but sometimes it's hard. I feel like I must do Matt's head in :(
Toothache is the worst id rather be in labour than have toothache...i had a absess 2weeks after Oliver was born it was pure agony i was taking that many tablets my chest started hurting in the end i gave in and went dentist and had it out
why do you have to wait till after bubs is born to see the dentist?, i've had x-rays done during pregnancy, they give you a special lead coat thing to wear that protects you and baby from the x-ray, at least if you can get it sorted now you're pain will hopefully go.
moomoo192 said:
why do you have to wait till after bubs is born to see the dentist?, i've had x-rays done during pregnancy, they give you a special lead coat thing to wear that protects you and baby from the x-ray, at least if you can get it sorted now you're pain will hopefully go.

Didn't know that - but my dentist won't do an xray till after bubs.

Not that it really matters as I can't lie down in the bloody chair.

Had a bad moment last night - started crying (I mean sobbing like a baby :roll: ) saying to DH that I was sick of this tooth and just wanted it out. I then spent the night pushing at it to see if I could get it to fall out by itself :lol:

Bloody thing.
:hug: :hug:

either take a swig of whiskey and hold it on your tooth to numb the area or get yourself some Ambesol

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