Spoiled Girl!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Oh my Lordy... I've just sorted out all Evie's clothes and shoes because I want to try and get stuff in place before she arrives, and she has... 14 pairs of shoes (yes, FOURTEEN!!!)

That's more than me!! Seriously though, I definitely have to stop buying now... She's got so many clothes that they don't even fit in her wardrobe AND her chest of drawers. I've got 2 full boxes of clothes where I have no idea where to put!!

How spoiled are your LOs? xx
Hayden had about 12 pairs of shoes before he was born- he only wore about 5 of them as he kept taking them off
and he grew out of them so quick- he had so many clothes that he didn't wear aswell coz i would have been doing 5 changes a day so he could wear them all..the problem is that they grow soo quick in the first yr!! he still has more clothes and shoes than me now, ppl are really generous with babies- also a lot of ppl had the foresight to buy clothes for 6-9, 9-12 months and 12-18 when he was born ,so to be honest i didn't really have the need to buy that many clothes for him in the first yr and then he got a load more for his birthday so he was sorted!! then xmas..and more clothes!! I cant fit them all in his wardrobe!!

Its crazy isnt it!! i have to keep sorting out what doesnt fit and either putting them away or giving them away!
Haha, my little girl is spoiled rotten already, we've got loads of clothes and shoes etc and little pink ugg boots!
we're begining to spoil ours now :) Matts mum has got her about 3 pairs of shoes i know she's never going to keep on...lol. Not many clothes though, i've had problems finding reasonably priced clothes here...and no newborn stuff!
But we did spoil ourselves by getting the mamas and papas polka dot eight in one pram shipped over from the UK.
This is the main reason I stayed green, I would (will :lol: ) be terrible if I knew what I was having a would have spent tooooo much money. I saw the most lovely dresses in the sale in Pukin Patch yesterday with matching shoes, I nearly bought them 'just in case' LO is a girl :D

Alex xxx
I'm glad I stayed green too as I woud've been the same. So far I have hardly anything- just a few bits the bil bought us..oh and a small blue hooded jumper which was just too cute to resist- just in case it is a boy, or if not then a tomboy girl!
lol sounds like you enjoyed yourself shopping anyways :) Clothes are good if you've got a range of sizes/ages for her.

I've managed with 6 or so sleepsuits and Galen wore those most of the time in the early weeks. Much easier than pulling him in and out of outfits. We had a few 0-3 outfits and that was it. He never even wore one of them before he grew out of it :roll: Have a gorgeous blue knitted cardi and he's never even worn it. Lovely blue jacket, wore it once. Waste of money totally both those things. Now he is in 3-6 months since about 2 weeks ago and we have a few more outfits but again I still go with sleepsuits if at home for the day. He's happy, less laundry and work for me :) I've been really careful about what I buy for him as I don't want to get something if I am really not going to get the wear out of it.

I'm not sure about the shoes though :lol: Small babies are not meant to wear them as it restricts things (soft bones etc) so they say not to put them on their feet till walking or thereabouts. I saved my pennies and only bought one pair which he has never worn. Just wanted to have them to show him how small his feet were when he is older :D
midna said:
seed still aint got shoes lool (not a shoe fan though)....or any outfits as such..sleepsuits, vests short and long sleeve, and pj bottoms live in her draws ...you crazy ladies :rotfl:

I think its great you do as you do :) I'm all for minimal clothing wise in the early months. I have caved and bought a few tops and trousers for 3-6 now though. Mainly as the weather is so crap and the few romper suits I bought are no good as its not warm enough for him to wear just one of those :wall:
Tally has 3 easy wear outfits, 2 t-shirts and leggings and one pair of cotton dungarees, apart from that its all sleepsuits and vests, though she goes through them very quickly.
All her shoes are way too big for her atm, and she has big feet, and i like to put her knitted cardi's on her if its a little cold.

Dressed for bed in a little sleep suit and cardi is the best :)
Lucky Evie! We have bought loads of clothes and little booties for our little one, all in neutral colours as we are staying team green and we also found the tinyest slipper socks in adams! their so cute. Isn't it fab being able to spoil our LO's?!
OMG! Baby shoes are so cute though.....we only have about 5 pairs but we do have far too many clothes - mainly pressies though so I don't feel guilty. & anyway, we're entitled to spoil our LO's :D
We've only bought what we think we might need and a couple of bits that were in a sale that I liked. Got her a little pair of pink soft boots that were reduced and are so cute, thought they would look cool with a little skirt and tights.

Keep joking she's going to be a naked baby.
I am obsessed with looking at the Shoo shoos on the internet (all Miss Monroe's fault ;) ). I haven't bought any yet, but I just know I will.

Other than that, Oscar is very spoilt what with his sea themed nursery and clothes, and the two lovely grobags I accidentally added to the shopping basket whilst ordering my nursing chair :oops: Although I am still very proud of his cheap ebay clothing bundle!

Oh and I almost bought him a ride on JCB kids digger which was reduced in Woolies from £80 to £40 but I think that is because I wanted it :lol:
At the moment, my LO is spoilt with lots and lots of vests and sleepsuits that I've been washing from first time around.

If we have another boy then yep, he'll be spoilt. I've got 3 boxes full of clothes. If it's a girl, I shall have to go shopping!

With Sherlock on the shoes front, never bought any shoes for my LO as I can't bear to see little feet restricted. I did buy some Inch Blue soft leather ones from 6 months +. They're really soft leather and have plenty of room for little feet to move around in.

You'll probably receive lots of clothes as gifts when Evie arrives as well! Honestly, they have better wardrobes than their mummys and daddys.
I've been trying to be really good this time round becoz we have soooo much stuff that was Jack's but little bits and pieces still seem to sneak into my shopping trolley :oops:
I only have one pair of shoes that MANDSPICE got me, promised mysef wasn't going to get anything else...

Urm excuse me wheres the pic of these shoesies i wanna see!!!

Oi Dannii... d'ya want some more???

Am selling some on here :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Evie has 2 wardrobes but she prefers to be in the nud! :roll:
Jacques has been spoilt with hand me downs! My brother gave me all the stuff from his 3 boys and there's more to come! There youngest has just turned 7 months so they have another load of 3-6 month stuff to give me! He will never wear all the stuff he has I'm sure!

We've tried not to go overboard on toys as by the time he is old enough to really pay interest, it will be christmas so he'll have lots from Santa! He has a rocker though, bouncer, baby gym, finger puppets and a few soft toys and rattle things etc.

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