

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2005
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Dont know where to put this topic.

Does anyones LO;s around Ellis age, like to grab/pinch/pull.

Ellis REALLY hurts me and OH, he looks at you all loving then quicker then u can blink he grabs your lip or eye lid and tries to RIP it off!!! haha

Laugh now but it really hurts!! I dont shout at him cos i dont think its his fault and he is a baby but i do say no in a sturn voice.

Keely xxxxxxx
Kai still is doing it at 1 year old. When he does it he laughs after he does it, he really enjoys pinching, biting, pulling hair etc etc

I try to ignore it but sometimes it hurts so much (I have bruises from the biting) that he gets a reaction which is what he wants.

And Kai has been this since about 5 months, it just hurts more because he is a lot stronger now.

Sorry, I have no advice, I sometimes think he is growing out of it as he doesn't do it a few days then he starts again. Just I know exactly what you are going through.
oh god! I thought it might just be something he does for a month or so!!! :shock:

So maybe i should ignore it too???!!!

Yes Olivia does this too! She grabs our cheeks and pulls them or our lips and she thinks it's so funny!

She is even worse with Brooke, if Brooke lays on the floor next to her she rolls onto her side and attacks Brooke, She will pull her hair or scratch and pinch her and if Brooke moves away from her she squeals at the top of her voice because she cant get her anymore, i have never known anything like it!

I pity Brooke when Olivia gets walking she will be bullying her all the time, Brooke does sometimes ask for it tho because she has been known to tease her or winde her up :rotfl:

I know what you mean about it hurting, no matter how much we cut Olivia's nails it still seems to hurt when she is pinching!

I think it's a phase they go through, or maybe it's thier way of playing i dont know :rotfl:
Ryan did this too, I used to tell him off. Not shout of course but tell him firmly NO. He wasn't spitEful to other kids though, that came at about 6.
keeley's just started to do this she'll grab my face as if she's gonna do kisses but now she grab's my cheeks so tight it hurts :cry:
I probably Know not of what I speak as Otis is only nearly 4months but I do recall someone telling me that if your LO does something naughty (i.e bite you while BFing) then you should just put them down, maybe you could try this whenever your LO's pinch or bite, you could sternly tell them NO and then put them down for a few mintues??
Should you try this, please let me know if it works....TA!
madis always yanking on my lip!! and she scratches me

i always say "ouch" when she does it in a sharp voice i think she knows its wrong
Daggers said:
I probably Know not of what I speak as Otis is only nearly 4months but I do recall someone telling me that if your LO does something naughty (i.e bite you while BFing) then you should just put them down, maybe you could try this whenever your LO's pinch or bite, you could sternly tell them NO and then put them down for a few mintues??
Should you try this, please let me know if it works....TA!

i do this when Alfie pulls my hair or lip, i say NO sternly and put him don, he tarts crying and i leave him for five minutes and he normally stops by then, i know at the moment he doesnt understand but im hoping hell start to recognise the tone and that he gets put down (which he doesnt lik) and learn i might be wrong but its worth a try

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