Spent yesterday evening in the hospital


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Hey ladies, just wanted to share.

Couple of things happened, since lunch ish Friday I hadn't felt any movement, but I decided not to call about it as when I was sent to the hospital before they made me feel like I was wasting their time. Anyway, yesterday I was feeling very iffy, palpitations again, weak, faint etc etc, it kept happening throughout the day even tho I was doing nothing and upped my water etc etc, so I thought it would be best to call the midwife to ask what they would suggest.I should mention as well that I have a heart murmur that a cardiologist is due to investigate. Anyway I called explained everything and got called straight in to hospital.

I had to start with seeing a doctor to give me a check over and listen to my heart etc, he said it was probably all down to the murmur and hot day, and said he wants me to take life very easy until I see the specialist about everything, he is worried about the added strain as I go through the pregnancy. So he said I was fine to go home but need to be very carefull....he wanted to get my signed off but it's the family business so I have just said I will work at home instead.
Then he passed me onto the midwife, she gave me another once over and then put e on monitoring to check on the baby as I hadn't felt movements. After a bit of encouragement baby was wiggling about, heartbeat was lovely and strong, and after about half an hour she was happy with everything.
She told me I have to call if anything is a bit iffy, and to call quicker in future rather than just seeing how I go ( I explained about previous experience which she apologised for and has made notes about lol )

So I think we got home around half 9 / 10 , had a fair bit of sleep last night and then today we have done pretty much nothing, but I have still had a few funny turns, so I guess the doc is right I need to do as little as possible! But I'm happy cus baby is back to wiggling around and bashing me etc, so that's made me feel much better ;)

I'll keep you all updated as things go along
It can be so worrying, glad everything was ok with baby and hope you feel better. Hope they get the the bottom of the heart murmur too
Must have been scary for u :hug: glad everything is ok Hun x
You must take it easy hun...family business or not!! Nothing is more important than you and your baby's health. Glad you got reassured and heard and felt bubba move :) xx
Yeah it wasn't very nice at all, I actually wasn't too bad.....until after we left and hubby gave me a big hug which made me cry lol I think it made me realise how worried a was
I'm glad you're ok! Can I ask you how bad your Palpatations are? I've had some and they've gotten worse the last few weeks. Not everyday though. Last night they were bad again, had quite a few missed beats or there's a longer pause in-between beats. I've got mw on Wednesday so I need to mention it then. I have read that they're quite common. I just didnt realise they could be this bad.

Aww hope ur ok I had exact same at about 25 weeks and everything was ok but so know how u feel its very scary when they stop wriggling!I was getting heavy chest and dizzy too but its got better!xx
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You must take it easy hun...family business or not!! Nothing is more important than you and your baby's health. Glad you got reassured and heard and felt bubba move :) xx

Thanks Hun, yeah I know I need to take it easy for me and bubba, but I can't do nothing lol luckily I can do most things from home and it's just computer work so I'll be sat down, plus at home I can have lots of lie downs :)
I'll see how I go the next couple f days and then re evaluate if I need to do less
I'm glad you're ok! Can I ask you how bad your Palpatations are? I've had some and they've gotten worse the last few weeks. Not everyday though. Last night they were bad again, had quite a few missed beats or there's a longer pause in-between beats. I've got mw on Wednesday so I need to mention it then. I have read that they're quite common. I just didnt realise they could be this bad.

Hey Hun, the palpitations take over my whole body, I can feel my heart beat everywhere, and it can last a hell of a long time. I have been having that and weakness, faintness etc etc
I suffered with them before pregnancy too, but no one ever looked into them, they always said it was just panic attacks attached to my past.....which confused me over the last year or so as I had dealt with all the old stuff and I was having them all the time for no reason etc, so it's good they are finally looking into it.
Mention it to your midwife, but I would also book a doc appointment, it was the doctor who actually discovered the heart murmur and has arranged the speacialist etc so you may need to do both
I hope you are ok :) I know most of these things are common in pregnancy and normally aren't a big problem, so I'll hope you fall into that side of things ;)
Thanks hun, will defo mention it and ask my gp about it too. Rest up and make sure your OH runs after you - for a couple of days anyway ;)

Oh yeah.....hubby has done his back in lol so we are basically a complete mess lol by the end of this week our house will be a right state lol
Glad everything's ok :) And I hope your specialist appointment goes well :) x
Rest up hun, hope you're back to feeling right as rain soon xx
I'm glad you're ok! Can I ask you how bad your Palpatations are? I've had some and they've gotten worse the last few weeks. Not everyday though. Last night they were bad again, had quite a few missed beats or there's a longer pause in-between beats. I've got mw on Wednesday so I need to mention it then. I have read that they're quite common. I just didnt realise they could be this bad.

Pinky, Palpitations are also a symptom of anaemia, which I believe you have? I was looking into it cause of my tiredness....best mention to GP though :) xx
I'm glad you're ok! Can I ask you how bad your Palpatations are? I've had some and they've gotten worse the last few weeks. Not everyday though. Last night they were bad again, had quite a few missed beats or there's a longer pause in-between beats. I've got mw on Wednesday so I need to mention it then. I have read that they're quite common. I just didnt realise they could be this bad.

Pinky, Palpitations are also a symptom of anaemia, which I believe you have? I was looking into it cause of my tiredness....best mention to GP though :) xx

Oh thanks Amanda, yeah I'm amaemic. Will mention it but I don't think its serious like team's
Glad you got checked out, and nice for the midwife to apologise to you for not taking things seriously before - looks like they have you well cared for , hope your murmor appoit goes well X
Glad everything is ok with baby. Make sure you take the time out to rest up, and I hope the investigation into your heart murmur goes ok. x

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