
Active Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Hmm, just read about SPD on another forum and it all sounded a bit familiar! I am 22 weeks pregnant and have been getting lots of really bad pains in my groin. It felt like stretching sort of pains, almost like period pains or when you have a stitch. I also have had quite a bit of aching pain in my lower back for a few weeks. Occasionally I get a stabbing type pain in my pelvis. When I stand up quickly it hurts at the bottom of my stomach/top of my pelvis area. Today I went for a longish walk and was getting the ache spreading up and across my hips. I have a history of 'clicky hips' from when I was a child (which I forgot to tell my midwife about, doh!) As my baby has been quite active I haven't been too concerned that the pain is a sign that something is wrong with the baby and just put it down to very bad stretching pains, but no that this must be common in pregnancy (this is my first- I keep saying "I never knew being pregnant would hurt so much!" Does it sound like this could be SPD?
It could be or it could be just general preggy pains,
I've been diagnosed with the SPD and i cannot take medium walks let alone long ones, lol
Either way if it is SPD it will only get worse IMO as the pregnancy progresses, if its growing pains then they do start to ease so i'm told lol

The only thing i can do is rest as much as possible and change position when i'm sitting and laying down as much as possible but this is very painful with the SPD as it feels as though a bowling ball is falling out my fanoola and my hips are being shunted apart, i never knew pain like it and even have to get out of bed and back in again to turn over at night :wall:

Sorry rather a long reply there but the jist is i hope you don't have SPD because its miserable lol

Speak to your GP or MW although my bet is they will tell you to rest and take paracetamol lol

I agree with FeeFee, it might be, it might not be. I had quite a sore ligament running along the inside of my leg/groin type area up till around week 24, sometimes it was everso painful, the midwife asked if it was worse on the stairs or climbing in and out of bed so I said yes it was (anything that involved lifting my leg in any capacity really) and she said it sounded like it was just my ligament straining to expand as the network of ligaments in the pelvis area are so tighly knit and strong that stretching them is one heck of a task...she wrote on my notes that we'd had this conversation but SPD had been ruled out but to keep an eye on it. Next appointment it was better and by the 24 week appointment I said "oh that's gone now" as I just hadn't noticed it leaving type thing. She said then that if it were SPD then it gets worse and worse and worse and won't ease off in the slightest, I said it had gone totally and thus it's not SPD. Mention it to your midwife at your next checkup and in the mean time try to rest the area as much as possible, don't stay in the same position too long (it will sieze up) and remember you can take paracetamol (nothing else!!) but take it before the pain becomes way too much as paracetamol isn't designed for throbbing/killer pains as it only dulls the nerve endings and can't react as much as other pain killers out there (that we can't take!!). Hope it's not SPD, it must be nasty for those who do have it!! :hug:

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