SPD- Symphasis pubis Dysfunction


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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I know that there have been loads of posts on this but i am just wondering if anyone has been signed off sick because if it?

I am 24 weeks pregnant with 2nd and work know that i have been suffering with sevear pains in my hips- however they do't seem to understand when i ring in sick.

I have been to the doctors and he has mentioned nothing about being off work, even though i have explained the situation to him about how i have to walk Amy to my mum's then get the bus to work and walk through the town center to get to my work place, BUT when i get there i sit down all afternoon answering phones which isn't too bad but when i get up to walk about i am in excrutiating pain, there is no haapy medium to my job, its too much walking then too much sitting down.

I am in agony today i have been in bed most of the afternoon cos i am struggling to walk or sit, but i am dreading ringing in work tomorrow.

I am so fed up!!! :( :( :(
Aw hon :(

How did you get on this morning? I think Sami was signed off with her SPD, it's a shame your doc hasn't said anything about it. Perhaps you should bring it up with him (being signed off?).

When are you starting your maternity leave?

I have given the notice today soi am finishing the 4th November, i will be 30 weeks then and i refuse to hang on there longer as they don't seem to care about my health so why should i worry about them!!

i am thinking of number 1 for a change

only 5 weeks to go!!!

yippee!!! :D :D :D
I'm glad that you're finishing earlier, all though I doubt if you'll end up doing much resting when you are at home!!

I've been finding it hard just with the rib/lower back pain, it must really get you down having SPD :(

Lots of belly rubs to you anyway!
Hi hon I was signed off with SPD - glad you're finishing earlier than later - you need the break!!

Hope you're well xx
Hi Sami,

Hows you SPD?

I am getting worse by the day!! i blatently cant walk, and i am fiding sitting uncomfortable, but there is no point in going to my docs to be signed off work as they are really strict about sick notes.

Only 5 weeks left
Your dcotors should be more sympathetic to how you are feeling - I'm sorry you're having a hard time trying to get a sick note :(
Mine seems to not be getting worse at the moment, but instead of my hips, my ribs are now in agony all day. Caused by the hormone Relaxin again and nout I can do about it. Hurts my chest so much.

Hope you're feeling better. xxx
I had never heard of this untill now.

i got a couple of questions....

can you get it at any stage of your pregnancy?

how does it start?

lately i have been finding walking for more than 10 mins really painful on my hips, i have never had this before, i can normaly walk for ages and feel fine.
then once i sit down coz of the pain, it doesnt ease, it stays and is very uncomfy to the point where i have to lay down flat, but even that doesnt ease it totaly. i normaly have a painful night, if i move in my sleep the pain wakes me up.

but then in the morning, its gone, until the next time i walk for more than 10 mins.

im going to ask my midwife about this on my next vist, but thought id post about it in here too, incase anyone can shed any light on it for me.


Sami- i am getting worse by the day, its allin my groin area and i can't even walk some days, i have physio again on monday so i may ask her for crutches just to help me get about.
The exercises she has give me have eased my left hand side, but my right side is so bad my leg gives way!! she said my hip on the right has too much movement in it which is why i am in so much pain.

Hi Layla, you can get SPD at any point of pregnancy, usually notice it from 12 weeks on wards, i just very uncomfortable to walk, go upstairs, stand on one leg etc and you will find it gets worse as your belly gets bigger and you need more support, you doctor may try and fob it off as ligaments stretching, but you know yourself if you have it. hope this helps! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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