SPD anyone?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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Hiya ladies,

I had my phsyio appointment today, they told me i have SPD symphesis pubis dysfunction.

I was wondering if anyone else has it?

Love ali xxx
I have. It sucks tremendous amounts of arse!
I keep panicking if I get an ache in my hip but I'm ok so far. How many percentage of pregnant women get it anyway and when does it normally start? I think its rife in the 3rd tri. Poor you ladies :(
i have it slightly. Its got worse with each pregnancy too. Ifi hoover a lot its worse or if i wal k long distances or stand for long too. Its like someone kicked me in my doo dar day!
melanie i agree whole heartedly, the woman yesterday pulling at my legs and forcing them open etc didnt help. Fell like ive been trampled on by a horse today. Cant wait to get that sexy support belt...it might help a bit. Im such a ruddy invalid!

Hev...its symphisis pubis dysfunction. There is a section at the front of the pelvis that softens and opens naturally during pregnancy, spd is where this section becomes inflamed and causes pain in the pelvic area including back and thighs etc.
I know i'm not in the 2nd trimester yet but i'm starting to get a few twinges already. Aimee was my second baby and it started around 18 weeks with her so it's getting earlier each time. Horrible!
Is it where you produce to much of the hormone relaxin which softens the bones and joints in the pelvis?
Yeah Skatty thats it exactly

Alison just wait until you get your support belt, so sexy honest! Like we dont feel bad enough lol they could at least make them in a nice colour lol

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