soz this is so petty but...!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
i was annoyed the other day, ... hp?t=39731

today took millipops out in the pram again, called in suoerdrug just 2 buy nappies (thought i'd try s'drugs own brand) and one girl was behind me in the queue with her toddler girl who was being naughty picking up all the sweets, bless her! as her mum was distracted this old woman pushed in the queue, behind me but infront of her! grr why do some old people just think they can do stuff like that? then she tried to push past me 2 get out the door first- well, i wasnt having that! i quickly blocked her with the pram (i could hear her tutting!) ha, i felt like i got revenge on behalf of the other young mummy!

so, the score is... rude old woman 1 - young mummies 1
I can never work out if they're totally oblivious to how rude they're being. Or if they are just taking advantage of being old and able to push in queues and get away with it.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I do agree with you there hun

I was very annoyed the other day.
An 'old' couple (probably between 60 and 70) drove into the disabled space at our local shop, in a very low sports car (my grandma is disabled - she can't get in any car that isn't quite high up) walked into the shop - no sign of disablilty :x

Also I hate it when old people park in the mother and baby spaces (not that it is just old people that do it though).

My grandma - in - law is nearly 90 and she wouldn't dream of parking in anything other than a normal space (she doesn't drive though) as she says - just because she is old, doesn't mean she is disabled.

My hubby had a go at an old lady a few weeks ago :shock: We were waiting for a baby space and she drive into it got out and walked off - absolutely fine. Nothing wrong with her. Didn't need help getting out of the car.
He shouted out of the window that these spaces are for people with babies in the car - not lazy old bags :shock: :shock: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Bless him - but it was annoying though.
It annoys me when the person in front of me in a very big queue has a huge trolley and I have one thing, that they don't let me go first. I shouldn't expect it I know, but I always let people go first if they only have a few things and I have a trolley full. :roll: Just a bit of common courtesy.

But yeah, there are some old people that are just not 'nice old ladies' at all and it does my head in. There was one behind me in Mothercare today kept looking at her watch and tutting, and I'm like yeah as if I'm going to move to let you in if you're being rude about it :roll:
ooooh I'm going into town now Trix.....I'll see if I can get us mommies in the lead :D
lol i work in a supermarket and u often see our elders trying to shift infront of people in queues etc.. so i say loudly.. um excuse me there is a queue!!! n then they tut and moan that there gunna miss their bus!!!! :rotfl: and thats my problem why??!!!!
there was an old man who would expect to be served first at the bar I worked at - he just was a bit 'i deserve to be before these youngsters' type. so i served him last.

though to be fair he stopped asking me to serve him and went to someone else more kind :roll:
I was in the supermarket recently and when queuing up behind someone with a toddler in a trolly when this old girl just stood in front of me. Her hubby saw what she'd done so I said quite loudly I'm sure I was behind that trolley she turned and gave me daggers but moved on I then saw her push infront of someone else. Cheeky cow.
I used to work at Arogs years ago and people would complain they were gonna miss there bus as i was changin a till roll..did they not know they neede a reciept :x anyway i would spent 5 minutes apoologising explaining the importance of reciepts etc just to amuse myself..What are they gonna do complain i was appologising :rotfl:
cloud9 said:
explaining the importance of reciepts

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I was parking up at the local Tesco express the other day. The idiot in the car infront of me parked stradling the line taking up 2 spaces meaning I had to do a really awkward manover to get into the space beside me. I could tell the woman behind me was really annoyed as she prob had her eye on that space. When I got out OH had to come round to my door to help me out as there wasnt much room to open the door. This woman was all set to get gobby with me but then she saw my bump and kept her gob shut :D :rotfl: she really wouldnt have wanted to start on me anyway because she would have got a mouthful back- a few double glazing sales men have got on the wrong side of me recently :lol:

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