soup overdose *update pg1*


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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ive been in bed all day with an abcess at the back of my mouth :cry:

i cant open my mouth cos it hurts so much and ive only been able to have cold soup through a straw because hot soup stings :(
the pains going from the bottom of my jaw to all up the back of my mouth and it hurts when i move my neck :(
cant get in dentist til monday either :cry:
sounds like u have infection kimmy.. phone nhs direct they might want u to go to hosp? if u got infection ul need antibiotics b4 a dr will even look at u
Aw noo.. it sucks to be ill, and even more when your preggy. I really hope you get better soon :hug:
sounds horrible chicken - I think you need to be seen before Monday. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ring ur emergency doc or something hun you need to get that looked at asap cos u dont want it poisioning you & baby, hope your feeling better soon chick :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i had some thing simialer last year and rang emergency dr, and they booked me into a clinic that does emergency dentistry, was like a walk in clinic. you should try, thats the worse pain ever to go through
aw kimbo you need to see someone b4 monday, ring the emergency denist or nhs direct

hope you feel better soon

omg :shock: :shock: :shock:
the right side of my face has swollen up :shock:
im gonna ring doctors this morning and try to get in today :cry:
Kimbo said:
omg :shock: :shock: :shock:
the right side of my face has swollen up :shock:
im gonna ring doctors this morning and try to get in today :cry:

:hug: :hug: dental problems are so much worse when your pregnant :( don't let them fob you off, get an appointment this morning!
i look like the michelin man on one side :shock:
am i ok takin antibiotics? think its an infection
yeah the dr will know what to give you. and just ask they definatly ok to take whn preg yeah...
Oh you poor thing that sounds miserable. Hope you get into see your Dr today.
i went into the doctors at 8.30 to see if they could see me and they told me they could at 10.10am

so i went back and she had a poke around my mouth and she said she can tell its an infection but it seems to be under my tooth.
she felt around my jaw and said, yeah its deffinately an infection and thats why you look like a chipmunk :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
i laughed and she said, sorry but you do! lmao

shes prescribed me antibiotics called amoxicillin and she said there fine to take in pregnancy and she wants me to go to the dentist during the week too, to see if the tooth needs to come out or not :(

so this is what i look like apparently :lol: :lol: :lol:

shuv a few biscuites int ehre.. yep.. i see the resembelance...

:).. ps kim.. i had lush steak. mmmmm
lisa&alex said:
shuv a few biscuites int ehre.. yep.. i see the resembelance...

:).. ps kim.. i had lush steak. mmmmm

yeah i think i look better as a chipmunk haha
my bumps hurting aswell... it feels like its burning near my belly button :shock:

its ok about the steak.... i dont eat steak anyway :)
i took those anti biotics last week for my wound infection , they did give me the squirts for the first day lol so be good if ya constipated ! least youve sorted it before weekend :cheer:
I had amoxicillin for my UTI had 5 courses lol and the EPU gave me those so its fine to take, hope u dont get stretchmarks on ur cheeks lol
Only joking :D

G3M said:
, they did give me the squirts for the first day lol so be good if ya constipated !

the squirts lmao :rotfl: lovely word! yeah i havent been for a while and ive passed a bit of wind today so something must be happening :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Kayte&Bump said:
hope u dont get stretchmarks on ur cheeks lol


lmao it wouldnt suprise me! they're everywhere else!

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