Down Syndrome results back :( UPDATE Pg1

Glad to hear the odds were favourable. Though I think it's crazy that 1 in 200-and-something is considered 'high risk'! x

Saw your post and just had to pop over from TRI 3.

My downs results came back as 1:80 when i was 20 weeks, much higher risk than yours!

I decided to go ahead and have the amnio which was no where near as bad as i thought it would be and it came back as everything totally normal.

Im so glad your feeling much more positive now about your results...honestly everything will be fine im sure of it! xxx :hug: xxx
That's great news :hug: hope you can relax a bit now & enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. Lovely pics too!
I'm so glad you're feeling a lot more positive now hun :hug: and gorgeous scan pics!!
aww hun thats a really good ratio so sorry for your scare xx
Glad everything went ok :hug:

I love your scan pic, another one to add to your collection! :D
thats great news, it sounds to me like your baba is fine it would show up on the scan if they thought something was wrong.
gratz hun :cheer:

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