Sorry to moan about things that really dont matter but..


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I just feel so down..

I knew when i wanted a baby, i'd have to make many sacrafises,

But i seem to be the only one doing so..

My OH is still going out at every opportunity gettin drunk.

I've been out once since found out pregnant 5weeks ago! All my friends go out to town etc.. and i dont fancy going to far, i dont like driving into the city, but by time they all go out, its time for me to go bed.

My OH has moved in with me, so we spend time together in week.. but he gets home from work at 8pm, and leaves at 7.30am!

Just not gettin chance to do anything together because i'm tired, Then when weekend comes when we can have lye in, he goes out at night, so we dont do anything (once again)

i'm feeling even more self concious than normal, bloated, chubbier face and arms etc..

Just feel sooo down :'(

i know people TTC would do anything, and i feel soo selfish moaning when me and baby are perfectly fine..

i Know its hormones, but i'm just so down :'( :roll:
aww hunny im sorry your feeling down. Have you tried talking to your OH about how your feeling??? He is a man afterall and they dont come from this planet :rolleyes: hehe so he probably doesnt see anything wrong!!!

to be quite honest though i have been suprised by my OH, we were drinking every weekend before i got pregnant and becuase i have had to stop, he has stopped, bless!!!

just try talking to him hunny and i hope you feel better soon

i have, i've told him how i feel, but hes an excuse for everything.. this time a girls leaving from his work (i dont/never have minded him going out)

Just when we do have chance to go out, or do somethin nice, hes tierd or busy at work etc..

oh i duno, i'm moaning, when people have alot worse problems, just feeling really left out at mo :'(

Thanks for your reply chick, atleast your OH is a real man :cheer: xx
awww hunny im sure if he realised how upset you were he would stop being a prat hehe!!

just have a chilled out night tonight, get a big tub of ice cream and chill out watching the soaps - thats what im doing when we finish shopping lol

i really hope your ok hunny - its an awful time for us with hormones and that - i keep snapping at OH when all hes done for me is run about after me and look after me so i would be hitting roof if he was going out etc

take care hunny xxxxxx
thank you babe :)

i might just do that, got a real thing for ice cream at mo..

spent £15 on cornetto's and ice lollies other day lol.. o'dear. :rotfl:

ice lollies are soo nice...

i think i feel worse because not been out today, was meant to go work, but sorry if TMI but had trapped wind soo bad yesterday, well i think thats what it is, i had to come home, and had it today, work basically said, better off for few days to feel better than to come in and go home, or will class as 2sick days :'( xxx
Ahh girl your in the wars aint ya!!!

i know what you mean about ice cream and lollies lol i cant get enough of them, we went shopping other day and i spent £71 and we only bought lettuce, tomatos and some fruit, the rest was on lollies and rubbish lol oooops!!!

going to try and eat healthy from now becuase i seem to have gone from eating loads of fruit to eating LOADS of chocolate and crap lol

anyways hunny i dont come on at weekends so hope you pick up a bit and enjoy your weekend, just chill out and relax!!!

speak to you soon take care babes xxxxx
hey babes,

i'm feelin better already, my friend whos got children, just invited me to hers, she lives an hrs drive, so prob stay the night..

OH can find somewhere else to sleep... haha..

evil i know but he cant expect me to stay in so he can strole in at 3am...

thanks for cheering me up babe.. have a good weekend xxxxx
Aww I hope you feel better soon!
Hormones are a bugger arent they??
Im sure if you tell your OH that your homones are out of whack and you need to feel extra special and needed, he will understand (kinda, in a mans way lol) and maybe think twice before he goes off somewhere ?
I remember feeling like that when I was having Joseph, my first! I felt like I was losing my firends and Joe wasnt in so much (although he wasnt doing anything different) and actually , when I think about it, Im feeling a bit like that at the min? lol I dont even like Joe to step out of the house without me hahahaha
Will one or some of your friends not change their night of go somewhere with you on a different night and not stay out so long? Im sure if you told t hem you want to go out with them but not to town they will come up with something! What are friends for!
Good luck sweetie!!! :hug:
Ha see I knew something would come up for you :D:D:D
Sorry to hear you are feeling down Charlotte... and dont fret about moaning! We all have the right to moan now and then.

Have fun with your friend tonight. xxx
:( I used to feel like that..i could of killed him at times :lol:

But your taking me out in a few hours so :D :D :D hehe

We'll eat the whole place haha i've got 'sympathy' cravings so i have an excuse!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Hi Charlotte,

To be honest id be abit peed off too if my OH was out drinking and having a good time when i was home saving and feeling like rubbish.

The problem with some men (not all) is that they really dont understand what the are doing is wrong. Us ladies tend to get in a strop and expect the men to know whats wrong. They just dont get it unless we get straight to the point and tell them. I realised this when i read the book "why men lie and woman cry".

If i were you id tell him how its making you feel and say youd like his support.

Good luck

Claire x

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