sorry if TMI!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2006
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hi girlies!
how are we all????

well im so sorry if tmi but does anyone have this problem? :oops:
well i dont go to the loo very often u know POOPIE! for at least a weekish im not on iron tablets im drinking plenty of fluids and eating normal!
but if i havent been POOPIE for a while the baby stops moving for a couple of days! unltil i have emptied my tummy! :oops:
is this normal? :?
I keep on having poopies :oops: ,i guess baby might not move as much if you haven't been for a while cause your poopie is taking up too much room :rotfl: ,sorry hun but that is so funny (poopie :lol: ),if you are worried about movements you should tell your midwife :hug: xx
I didnt go all that much when I was in third tri last time, but then I only go every few days anwyay :?
i get this too hun, if i dont go for a while she seems to slow her movements down and when i do go she goes mad :rotfl: i would say it pretty much normal hun xx
before i was pregnant only went once a week and generally in agony with my stomach yet doctors very reluctant to try and find the problem, its even worse now, but if i take laxatives to make me go ( bloody strong ones that arent supposed to be used in pregnancy but doc said it was ok ) then i go but baby doesnt like it and ends up booting the living daylights outta me :shock:
i feel like i need to poop loads, but i think it is because LO's head is quite low most of the time.

I used to go every day - now i seem to go every other.

I seem to 'pass wind' more than before being pregnant (which my OH finds very funny!). :oops:
i dont think i passed wind as much as OH does even when i was pg lol!!! :rotfl:
Me and OH don't parp in front of each other. We have just never done it.

I sneezed the other day and trumpted after, and Oh found it V. funny!!! Now he keeps going round making a sneezing noise and blowing a rassberry after. :oops:


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