sorry i just got to get this off my chest (Bit long soz)


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2007
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I had a load of problems with my neighbour at ma flat. All started on the 14th October 2006. We went out on the 13th (Friday the 13th how typical :| ) N she came on to me, she was like 'oh i really fancy u, u go on like u dont know, u dont know what ur doin to me' etc :? I turned her down coz dont find her attractive at all!! But after that night she was sooo off with me, shoutin abuse down the road to me, sendin me nasty txts, knockin on my door and abusin me thru the letter box, death threats, threats against my family, bf, friends etc. She came round on the day i found out i was pregnant and started sayin she was guna put petrol thru ma letterbox etc had to have police escort me n OH out of the flat. Bangin on my livingroom windows and callin me names and that.
Ive had the police involved 5times, had my flat broken into 3 times.
Since it all started ive bcome so paranoid about small noises in the house, i cant stay at the flat, ive had bad panic attacks, i even have to wake OH up in middle of the night if i need the loo coz i nearly pass out if i go on my own.
I been to the ASBO officer and she sayin that im safe in my flat coz shes on bail n i should go back n let the police do their job ( yeah f**kin right!)
She's denied any of this happenin.
Last night i got told that shes after me, and it aint just her that will be after me. It will be her bf too, whos a paranoid scitzophrenic, and is on bail anyway for goin round the corner n stabbin someone!!!!!
I had a nightmare last night aswell, and its proper scared me. It was that she came into my house to stab me n beat me up etc

I just cant believe this its doin my head in soooo mcuh!!

Ive got my councillor on it now n hes sayin its lookin good coz i cant stay there etc, n i got an appt with ASBO officer tonight n see what she says.. shes such a b***h!!!!

Sorry about the long essay but i needed to get this off my chest, at the moment i got hardly anyone to talk to n i feel like i cant talk to anyone about it bcoz everyone got their own problems n that.

Im such a spaz :cry:
Sorry to hear you are having a bit of a rough time at the moment - i can't reall suggest you doing anything and im not even sure what so say to you apart from i hope the problem resolves its self. :hug:
:shock: eeeek! that must be really scary what a psycho! i kno u shouldnt hav to, but i'd move if i was in ur situation, get away from her and go someplace safe :hug: :hug: :hug:
I want to move but no one takin me seriously!
I just had a meetin with the ASBO officer, what a suprise, silly b***h wouldnt listen to me!!! Sayin that i should have a marker put on my flat or somethin n if i call 999 from there then i'll be classed as priority! Ffs she dont understand that that wont work. She suggested mediation b4 n even the counillor said that that wont work!! Im soooo peed off, ive just been sat in tears for the past half an hour coz im so sick of no one takin me seriously n thinkin coz im fat i can look after myself. I tried to tell her that i aint puttin myself in that situation where somethin could potenitally hurt me or LO but she still didnt say nothin n done the most annoyin thing in the world... spoke over me :evil: i could of smacked her!!!!

I would move if i could, but none of the officials will listen to me n keep sayin that im safe in that flat.. which i OBVIOUSLY aint! n i cant go private coz im on benifits i cant afford to pay the deposit, n plus not everywhere accepts DSS n if they do they want over £1000 b4 u can move in :cry: :cry: :cry: I just want to curl up and die at the moment

Why is life so s**t?!?!?!?!?
aw hun. i cant believe she is still going on like this :evil:

you got my number, give me a call if you ever want to chat :hug:
im so sorry you are going through such a bad time
its awful that noone is listening to you, i would go into their offices and scream my head off until someone took me seriously!

you might be able to get a 'community care grant' or 'crisis loan' to pay the deposit for a private rented house.

I hope everything gets sorted asap as you cant bring up a child in those circumstances :hug: :hug:
Charlotte & Emily said:
im so sorry you are going through such a bad time
its awful that noone is listening to you, i would go into their offices and scream my head off until someone took me seriously!

you might be able to get a 'community care grant' or 'crisis loan' to pay the deposit for a private rented house.

I hope everything gets sorted asap as you cant bring up a child in those circumstances :hug: :hug:

i cant do that coz they wont pay off enough of the rent, i'd have to put quite a bit towards it n i cant afford it :(

I would scream ma head off but still no one listens just tells me im safe to go back there and that i should let the police do their job which they aint doin! :(
GRRRRRRRRRRR :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: this is really pissin me off now.. excuse my language.

I had a really horrible nightmare last night about my neighbour. she came into my house, pinned me up against my door, got a knife and started slicin my stomach, arms, cheeks, legs etc.

Then i woke up n i couldnt stop cryin n shakin, makin sure all the doors were locked and that no one was comin thru the window, i couldnt get back to sleep. Now im havin problems eatin n sleepin.

I spoke to the councillor today n he said that there aint much he can do, if the police say that they wont re-open the case. But they should coz they got the numbers they should of asked for when i told them that more people had seen what has been happenin.

Im so low, i just wana die :( :cry: how can 1 person screw someones life up soo bad :(
oh hun, the one place we should feel safe and secure in this world is in our homes :hug:

Maybe you could have a chat with other residents and see if you can make a joint complaint to the council to get her moved?

I just found this for you which has some interesting links etc

Hope you find a resolution soon hun :hug:

EDIT - would help if I posted the link :roll:
OMG what a b1tch!!!!

im so sorry you are feeling down darlin but you have a baby to look forward to and you must think of you and the LO.

can you not stay with family, your BF's family, then move house and chnge telephone numbers etc?!?!

im sorry hun i dont know what to suggest i just want you to know i am here if you want me :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
MissGobby, i kno i av a baby to look forward to but how can i look forward to it when i aint even got somewhere safe for her to live? :( I cant stay wiv my family, some i dont get on with at all, n cant go stay at ma mums coz i dont get on with her bf n we fight.. proper fight. BF's family live in Hull and i need to be close to my daughter (who lives with my mum)

I wish i could move house, ive been tryin since this started so thats like over 6months ago!

Thanks for the link glitzyglamgirl i'll av a look at that properly later huni thanks alot.
And i cant get the other neighbours to complain about her coz they all up her backside. She's turned them all against me :( they all told the police im a gobby cow but im not ive never had an argument on anyone round there or anythin, i aint even shouted at the neighbour givin me greif coz will cause too much trouble x

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