Sorry for the silly question


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2007
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Right is it just peanuts we should not eat or all nuts?

I remember my midwife saying no peanuts because i had a patch of eczema when i was young that lastest till i was 14ish x x
i think its any nuts if there is history is nut allergy in family, but dont know in regards to excema
just peanuts. dont know where i read it but im sure other nuts are ok?
i eat them anyway. :D
My mum had asthma, I had asthma, my dad has severe asthma...and I ate peanuts when I was pregnant with Tia, and she's never had any problems...and she's not allergic to anything... So i just don't believe that peanuts are linked with all this stuff..
It's just peanuts...other nuts are ok for you, in fact they have plenty of vitamins etc in them so my mw recommended eating them and just avoiding peanuts.

I'm with Squiglet though....I'm not convinced about the whole avoid peanuts thing. My OH has really bad hayfever so I was told to avoid peanuts...I have only cheated once when I had a bag of dry roasted cos I'd been craving them for weeks and weeks....but when you actually look at ingredients on foods especially chocolates and cereals it's quite surprising how many have been produced alongside nuts so we're probably consuming peanuts even though we're avoiding them... (does that make sense!?)
thanks you've made my day!!

You don't know what to believe because its against ethics to actually test theses theories on preg women so i don't know where the evidence comes from??!!

i'll get stuck into my pistachios now :) been looking at them for a few hours now!!
i eat peanut butter all the time.. they way i look at it.. is.. i dont drink, do drugs or smoke..they are harmfull.. theres no proof peanuts will harm my baby.. charlotte doesnt have any problems.. and i ate them witn erh...
I eat peanuts too, craved them with my daughter.

I think if you eat something then there is LESS chanceof your baby having an allergy to it as its already been introduced to it.

I was shopping the other day and talking to a lady who'd daughter had a peanut allergy, she had a daughter and a son, with her daughters pregnancy she did everything by the book and didn't touch what was classed as a 'no no' in pregnancy, she has allergies galore, with her son she ate all the no no foods and her son is fine ... see what i'm saying??
Its the same thing with sterilizing bottles... You're "supposed" to do it until they are a year old... Tia started walking at 9 months, and at 10 months I caught her wondering round my mums garden putting stones in her mouth.. What was the point of sterilizing, when she would have picked up god knows what from the stones... So I just stopped, even though my HV threw a wobbly...said Tia would have all these problems and be sick....and lets see... since then she has only been sick a handful of times (excluding ear infections which she's had since she was born)... So..erm... I think a lot of it is rubbish...

You're not supposed to use saunas either when your pregnant, nor jump into cold water after... so 98% of pregnant Finnish woman are wrong are they?
i also stopped sterlising when alana was putting things in her mouth, just used anti bacterial washing up liquid
They do say a bit of dirt does them good!! :D

It is crazy all the do s and donts. Like in France they still have soft cheeses. Also i also heard the latest government statement that preg ladies should not drink at all was used to scare binge drinkers!! I think it will take more than saying don't drink!!

The problem with all these do s and don't s is that is makes me a nervous wreck and scares people like me who went to a party in the first 5weeks before finding out i was preg and drank loads and fills me with guilt !!!! x x xx
Well, in Spain women still drink all the way through their pregnancy and it doesn't have a higher rate of FAS than any other country.. Admittadly there are more alcoholic drinks on the market here that are mild in alcohol... and the selection of non alcoholic drinks is huge... I've got addicted to San Miguels non alcoholic beer with apple juice... its really yummy...

I've been eating soft cheese and pate too... They are supposed to be good for you according to my midwife. She was more worried about me eating spicy foods which I know are ok, because I ate them all the way through my pg with my daughter...

The do's and don'ts are unfair...they do make you panicky... they do make you worry and that can't be good for the baby either.. :think:
Squiglet said:
Well, in Spain women still drink all the way through their pregnancy and it doesn't have a higher rate of FAS than any other country.. Admittadly there are more alcoholic drinks on the market here that are mild in alcohol... and the selection of non alcoholic drinks is huge... I've got addicted to San Miguels non alcoholic beer with apple juice... its really yummy...

I've been eating soft cheese and pate too... They are supposed to be good for you according to my midwife. She was more worried about me eating spicy foods which I know are ok, because I ate them all the way through my pg with my daughter...

The do's and don'ts are unfair...they do make you panicky... they do make you worry and that can't be good for the baby either.. :think:

Really!! I've been dying for soft cheese but they have done a great job of worrying me so i don't even look at it!!

i'm on the non alcoholic Becks-i'm loving them!! :D

I think making us panicky over everything must be bad and they say avoid stress in preg. I find this stress worrying about foods, cats etc!!
I agree with you people, i think a little of what you fancy does you good.

It just seems there are more and more don'ts coming out all the time, with ALL my pregnancies i've eaten peanuts, soft whippy ice cream, prawns (god i luv them) runny yolk eggs (hate hard yolks..yuk) soft cheese, not a lot but i can't say no to a steak n stilton pasty now and then :lol:

By law they have to list a headache on the packet as a side effect of paracetamol :? :? so i guess they are just steering us clear of all the things that 'might' cause a problem in case we turn round and say well i wasn't told i couldn't eat that!

I think naturally our bodies would stop us eating anything bad for us anyway.

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