sorry for posting a pointless topic


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I dunno why i'm all over the place but..

one min i feel great, next so flaming angry :twisted: lol ..

i know this is down to flamin hormones.. When did yours calm down??

i'm only 9weeks 2days.. my sytmoms keep going and coming bk, i'm soo confused..??

Went shoppin yesterday, i've gone up a dress size.. spent about £60 on myself for a change, just bought a few new tops, and pj's hehe (love gettin in pj's minute i get home)

And i also found 2gorgeous pairs of maternity jeans on ebay.. under £10 each including p&p.. almost brand new from (topshop)

saw them and had to grab a bargain, altho not going to start wearing them yet :)

This is such a pointless post, but i just feel sooo ODD??

Like i dont feel pregnant? I wish i could have re-assurance everything ok..

My OH came home from work with a big pregnancy book for me, hes been readin it to, and keeps quoting things.. soo sweet :cheer:

Anyone else just feel soo confused on how there feeling lol? xx
:hug: am almost at point of stoppin driving for a while cos everyone's an idiot on the roads :wall: :doh:
AWWW! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hate that feeling when you feel kinda lost and like you dont know what your doing although you kinda do?? I get like that a lot!
People may ask me how I am and hows the baby and I get mad? No reason just like stop asking, but then I love people asking?
Sometimes its like theres 2 of me lol! One really happy, one angry for nothing!
I guess its just normal lmao! :rotfl: As normal as I can get hahaha
you explained how i feel perfectly then lol..

theres 2 of me to lol..

its crazy..

few people started to say i put on weight, i want people to notice lol.. but then i'm like ARGH put on weight ARGH?? :evil:

lol.. so crazy how your mind works hehe xx glad i'm not the only one tho xx :hug: :hug:
Yeh Im glad Im not the only one too!! :D :hug: :hug:
Hry hun i can sympathise on this one im sending the o/h really mad one moment im so so nice then the other minute im like the devil in carnet :twisted: And i cant help it ive tried explaining it all to him but not sure if he realises that quite yet :lol:
Hope things will settle for you soon sweety :hug:
I know that feeling well. Once minute I'm on top of the world and feel exactly like I did before I was pg....the next it's like I'm someone else

I'm looking forward to getting back on an even keel already.

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